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America Becomes an Empire.

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1 America Becomes an Empire

2 become an Imperial power?
Why did America become an Imperial power?

3 Cuba

4 The Imperialist Taylor

5 Spanish American War Spain, once a large colonial power has lost many
Cuba, Guam, Philippines, Puerto Rico remain US asks to buy Cuba Rather see it sink into the ocean! Cubans rebel against Spain US sympathizes with Cuba

6 Spanish Misrule in Cuba

7 Valeriano Weyler’s “Reconcentration” Policy
Spanish General sent to crush the revolt 300,000 Cubans sent to concentration camps

8 Yellow Journalism William Randolph Hearst – New York Journal
Joseph Pulitzer – New York World Both are battling for more newspaper circulation Yellow Journalism Exaggerated news and headlines used to lure and enrage reader

9 William Randolph Hearst
Yellow Journalism Joseph Pulitzer Hearst to Frederick Remington: You furnish the pictures, and I’ll furnish the war! William Randolph Hearst

10 De Lôme Letter Dupuy de Lôme, Spanish Ambassador to the U.S.
Criticized President McKinley as weak and a bidder for the admiration of the crowd, besides being a would-be politician who tries to leave a door open behind himself while keeping on good terms with the jingoes of his party.

11 Theodore Roosevelt Assistant Secretary of the Navy in the McKinley administration. Imperialist and American nationalist. Criticized President McKinley as having the backbone of a chocolate éclair! Resigns his position to fight in Cuba.

12 Remember the Maine and to Hell with Spain!
USS Maine sent to bring American citizens back from Cuba Explodes in Havana’s harbor Kills 260 men Used as Propaganda Reasons are unknown but headlines state it was a Spanish missile

13 Remember the Maine and to Hell with Spain!
Funeral for Maine victims in Havana

14 The “Rough Riders” Regiment led by TR into Cuba Charged San Juan Hill
Became famous through Yellow Journalism

15 The Spanish-American War (1898): “That Splendid Little War”
Is there such thing as a “Splendid War”

16 The Philippines

17 The Spanish-American War (1898): “That Splendid Little War”

18 Dewey Captures Manila! First battle is in the Philippines
Commodore George Dewey opens fire on Spanish fleet Spanish defeated within hours Filipinos support Americans

19 Dewey Captures Manila!

20 The Treaty of Paris: 1898 Cuba freed from Spanish rule.
Spain gave up Puerto Rico and Guam. The U. S. paid Spain $20 mil. for the Philippines. The U. S. becomes an imperial power!

21 Cuban Independence? Platt Amendment (1903) Becomes a US protectorate
Cuba must lease Guantanamo Bay to US for naval and coaling station (GITMO – Detention Camp) Cannot enter into any agreements with foreign powers that would endanger its independence US can intervene in Cuban affairs if necessary to maintain an efficient, independent govt Cuba must not build up an excessive public debt. Senator Orville Platt

22 Our “Sphere of Influence”

23 Philippine American War
US imposes same authority as Spain Forced into “zones” Revolt started by Emilio Aguinaldo Took 3 years to crush rebellion, 20,000 Filipinos, 4,000 Americans and $400 m. 20 times the price

24 Emilio Aguinaldo July 4, 1946: Philippine independence
Leader of the Filipino Uprising against US July 4, 1946: Philippine independence

25 The American Anti-Imperialist League
Founded in 1899. Mark Twain, Andrew Carnegie, William James, and William Jennings Bryan among the leaders. Against imperialism and the annexation of the Philippines

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