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Parts Of Speech Bellwork.

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1 Parts Of Speech Bellwork

2 What do you remember? Day 1
See if you can remember the definition for each of the parts of speech: 1. Noun 6.Prepostion 2. Verb 7. Conjunction 3. Adjective 8.Interjection 4. Adverb 5. Pronoun

3 Day 2 Copy the definition for each part of speech. Include the examples. 1. Noun- Naming word; person, place, thing, idea, or quality. Examples: chair, Frank, China, truth 2. Verb-An action word, tells what someone is doing or a state of being. Examples: walk, singing, talked, is 3. Adjective- Descriptive word; describes a noun or pronoun. Examples: fast, green, happy

4 Day 3 Copy the definition for each part of speech. Include the examples. 1. Adverb-Describes a verb, an adjective, or another adverb; Usually ends in “ly”;Tells things like where, when, how, how often, or how much. Examples: quietly, never, slowly, there, hardly, later 2.Preposition- Shows location or place. Examples: in, at, above, to

5 Day 4 Copy the definition for each part of speech. Include the examples. 1. Conjunction- Connecting word; connects two phrases or sentences. Examples: and, but, or, because, also 2. Interjection- Used to show emotion or surprise; Usually end with an exclamation mark (!) Examples: Ouch!, Oh no!, Yay! 3. Pronoun- Takes the place of a noun. Examples: John – him/ he, the girl – her/ she, a car - it

6 Friday Funny

7 Day 5 Write the part of speech of the underlined word (noun, verb, adjective, adverb). 1. Even good friends sometimes disagree. 2.The rain lasted all afternoon. 3. June practices in the afternoon for an hour. 4. During vacation, time passes rapidly. 5. The storm was slowly moving in.

8 Day 6 Write the part of speech of the underlined word (noun, verb, adjective, adverb). 1. Your dog will become fat if you feed it too much. 2. The reporter had confidently predicted rain 3.Then he washes the chalkboards 4. Thieves had broken into the office. 5. The army retreated to a stronger position.

9 Day 7 Write the part of speech of the underlined word (noun, verb, adjective, adverb). 1. Your dog will become fat if you feed it too much. 2. The reporter had confidently predicted rain 3.Then he washes the chalkboards 4. Thieves had broken into the office. 5. The army retreated to a stronger position.

10 Friday Funny

11 Day 8 Circle the pronoun that would replace the noun that is underlined in each sentence. Jane just ate three cupcakes She They I Me Dylan, Gabby and Matt played on the monkey bars at recess. His Me They Theirs Will you please put the notebook in your backpack? him ours you it Ella and I like to play Minecraft on the computer. We They I You Write a sentence using a conjunction.

12 Day 9 Write the preposition for each sentence.
The small brown fox stealthily hopped over the fence. I knocked loudly on the red barn door. Yesterday, Frank and I jogged at the cold park. My parents kept the spare key under the welcome mat. Bobby always hid extra money in the tin jar. List five interjections.

13 Study for Quiz

14 Part of Speech Questions
Noun: Who? What? Verb: What is being said about (Subject)? Adjective: Which one? What kind? How Many? Adverb: How? When? Where? Prepositional Phrase: What? Whom?

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