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TEXAS Essay Assessment

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1 TEXAS Essay Assessment
The Blind Side TEXAS Essay Assessment

2 FILM ESSAY *Describe a significant character in a text you have studied. Explain why that character is significant. *Describe a significant idea in a text you have studied. Explain why that idea is significant.

3 T E X A S Topic Explain Evidence and example Analyse Summary

4 Texas Paragraph Intro The Blind Side, directed by John Lee Hancock, tells the true inspiring story of an African American boy Michael Oher. He overcame his volatile life circumstances of homeless, no education, and no family to become an adopted university graduate, and famous NFL Star. Michael is significant because he shows determination (1) on his testing journey. Michael is also significant for his protective instincts (2) and courage (3). His character helps me to understand that you need to utilize personal strengths in life to achieve goals and succeed in overcoming obstacles.

5 Texas Paragraph T E X A S Michael Oher’s admirable protective instincts shine in many scenes. The Title of the film The Blind side, sums up the importance of Michael Oher’s Character. As Leanne Toughy Narrates in the first scene “a blind side takes the hits and protects his team mates.” From this quote viewers see that this protective part of who he is just as important on the field as in his every day life. A scene that encompasses this idea of protection can be seen in the crash scene. By using a close up shot of Michaels arm flying across the interior of the car and bracing SJ his protective instincts are spotlighted. This shot stands out as a result of it contrasting amongst the turmoil of fast moving blurred images as the car collides with a truck. By putting himself in harms way before that of teammates, friends and family people admire him and form a new judgment on him as a person. Being Protective enhances the significance of Michael Oher’s character and breaks down barriers supporting him in reaching his potential.

6 Summary Paragraph *State the three paragraph ideas answering essay question *Analyse and Sum up and explain why/ idea/ purpose big idea! Through these three attributes, John Lee Hancock portrays Michael Ohers character as a significant part of the films story. He shows us how Michael’s untapped natural potential towards protecting those around him, his driven determined attitude as well as courage supported through camera angels, were what saved him. By applying these, Michael Oher teaches us the important idea that we need to we need to utilise our potential to help attain our dreams and over come obstacles.

7 Interview with college sport Interviewer
Scene Camera angels Quotes Dialogue Meaning Interview with college sport Interviewer *Close ups- on nervous hands to support tension and pressure. *Low angel from Michaels point of view showing investigator leaning over him- domination and intimidation Michael to leigh-anne angrily: “Don’t Lie to me” (standing up for himself) Invest “Tuohy’s are boosters” Low camera angel shows his vulnerability Turned her own words on her shows loss of trust. Judging before she knows the truth. Manipulates him to try and agree with her point of view.



10 Themes of the movie the blind side



13 determination Working hard persistence Relentless dedication willpower
Never giving up determination



16 Put others before yourself
Safeguard security Safety Put others before yourself Self sacrifice Protective instincts



19 The importance of family and whanau
Support Relationships Friendship Commitment loyalty The importance of family and whanau



22 Courage

23 Using your personal strengths to Over come obstacles

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