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Section 1 Allies Turn the Tide

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1 Section 1 Allies Turn the Tide
Chapter 15 World War II Section 1 Allies Turn the Tide

2 Section focus How did the Allies turn the tide against the Axis?

3 Strategy War begins bad for Allies British fight off Nazi invasion
US stops Japan at Coral Sea Only positive signs for Allies

4 Axis Strategy No unified/coordinated strategy
No common goal only common enemy Hitler wants all of Europe Mussolini wants Southeast Euro to Africa Japan wants control of Asia

5 Allied Strategy More shared and unified goals
Roosevelt/Churchill/Stalin consider Hitler most dangerous threat Most resources and capabilities Not worried about Japan /Italy long term Allies agree on ultimate goal “Europe First” Defeat Hitler first, then focus on Japan

6 Turning Tide in Euro America’s 1st contribution vs. Axis
“arsenal for Democracy” US industries makes millions of guns, tanks, etc Keeps British and USSR troops supplied Only problem is getting across Atlantic German U-boats Sink 3,500 merchant ships/kill 10,000’s allied sailors Convoy system Invention of radar Depth charges sink U-boats aster than the can make’em


8 Turning Tide in Euro 1941 Hitler invades USSR Battle of Stalingrad
More “living space” Oil fields in South Stalingrad is key Battle of Stalingrad Bitter house by house conflict Russian forces counter attack Hitler refuses surrender 91k Germans taken prisoner……. 5k make it home TURNING POINT OF WAR IN EURO ENDS Hitler’s plan for Euro domination

9 Allies Drive Nazi’s out of Africa
Stalin wants Allies to open a second Front against Germans Churchill+Roosevelt want more time to plan invasion across English Channel Africa front requires less planning/supplies Paves way for invasion of Italy Dwight Eisenhower Allied commander in North Africa Realizes need for aggressive officers and troops


11 Allies Drive Nazi’s out of Africa
General George S. Patton “Blood and Guts Patton” “You usually will know where the front is by the sound of gunfire, and that’s the direction you should proceed. Now, suppose you lose a hand or an ear is shot off, or perhaps you lose a piece of your nose, and you think you should walk back to get first aid. If I see you, it will be the last …….walk you’ll ever take.” British and US forces effect the surrender of 240K German and Italian forces.

12 Increasing the Pressure on Germany
Germany now on defensive After Stalingrad and North Africa Jan Churchill and Roosevelt meet to plan next move Increase bombing of Germany Now only accept “Unconditional Surrender” No peace treaty will keep Hitler, Tojo, or Mussolini in power

13 Invasion of Sicily/Italy
Eisenhower eyes Italy from North Africa Sicily is 2 miles from Italian mainland Perfect staging area for Invasion of Italy 38 days of fighting gives US control of Mediterranean Invasion of Italy difficult Fighting is slow and fierce due to weather and geography

14 Bombers Batter Germany
Stalin demanding Allies open front in France Feels he is fighting Hitler alone (Stalingrad) Allies begin “saturation bombing” Drop massive amounts of bombs to inflict as much damage as possible “Strategic Bombing” Bombing of political and industrial centers Destroy ability to make war Tuskegee Airman African American fighter squadron 1500 missions not one plane lost Bomb crews average 20% causalty rate

15 Turning tide in Pacific
“Europe first strategy does not mean ignoring Pacific Japan continues to advance US finally hits back at battle of Coral Sea Triumph at Midway Japan wants to completely destroy US Navy at Midway Island Losing Midway would force US back to California US Code Breakers had broken Jap code knew Japs were coming Most important Naval battle of the War US sinks 4 Jap aircraft carriers Ends Jap expansion 1st US offensive in the Pacific at Guadalcanal


17 Section Focus How did the Allies turn the tide against the Axis
In Europe, the Allies stopped German progress at Stalingrad, in the Atlantic, and in North Africa, and put Germany on the defensive. In the Pacific, the Americans defeated the Japanese at the Battle of Midway, putting Japan on the defensive.

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