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Epilogue Epilogue World War II World War II.

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1 Epilogue Epilogue World War II World War II

2 Germany's Unconditional Surrender
By April 3, 1945, 3 million Allied soldiers approached Berlin from the Southwest. 6 Million soldiers from the Soviet Union approached Berlin from the East. US Soldiers cross the Rhine river under heavy fire.

3 Franklin Roosevelt Franklin Roosevelt Franklin Roosevelt died April 12, 1945 of a stroke. He was proceeded by his Vice President Harry Truman.

4 Hitler prepares for his end
“I myself and my wife choose to die in order to escape the disgrace of…capitulation, I die with a happy heart aware of the immeasurable deeds of our soldiers at the front” -Hitler

5 The Fuehrer The Fuehrer April 29, 1945, Hitler married his mistress Eva Braun. Late that evening, Hitler shot himself in the head and Eva took a lethal dose of poison. A week later, the Germans surrendered.

6 May 7, 1945 VE- Day was celebrated.
U.S. soldiers holding the Nazi flag after their win at the Battle of Bastogne.

7 Mussolini Mussolini "Il Duce" Mussolini and his mistress Clara Petacci were arrested, then lynched and hung by an angry mob of communist partisans.

8 The A-Bomb With little hope of forcing the unconditional surrender of Japan, President Truman made the decision to drop the bomb on Hiroshima, Aug. 6, The blast instantly killed 100,000 people. Two days later, on Aug. 8 a second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki instantly killing 40,000 people. *On August 13, 1945, the Japanese surrendered unconditionally. Nagasaki

9 Atomic Bombs *The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was supported by President Truman because he hoped that by doing so would reduce possible casualties from an attack on Japan’s mainland, and end WWII.

10 Result of Dropping the Bombs
Realization that new military technologies had become far superior to those used previously Warfare has become vastly more destructive

11 Gen. Douglas MacArthur accepts the Japanese surrender.
Empire of the Sun Empire of the Sun The Japanese officially surrender aboard the USS Missouri September 2, 1945 Gen. Douglas MacArthur accepts the Japanese surrender.

12 Victory over Japan V-J Day September 2, 1945
General Douglas MacArthur accepted the surrender of the Japanese. Meanwhile, scenes like this one erupted everywhere in the U.S. THE WAR WAS OVER!

13 Dwight D. Eisenhower Dwight D. Eisenhower Eisenhower will go on to serve as President of the United States from His campaign slogan was a simple “I like Ike.”

14 Omar Bradley Omar Bradley The “G.I. General” went on to serve as the first Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Bradley also advised President Eisenhower on postwar matters.

15 Ironically, the old warrior died in a car accident after the war.
Patton Patton Ironically, the old warrior died in a car accident after the war. Patton and his 3rd Army

16 Nuremberg Trials Nuremberg Trials The Nuremberg Trials began on Nov. 20, Almost all of the accused were convicted and executed by hanging with a rope until dead.

17 Result of the Nuremburg Trials
*The first time leaders of a country were held responsible for human rights violations Set the tone for future “crimes against humanity” and how they will be handled.

18 Europe is re-built War-Torn Europe War-Torn Europe The Marshall Plan
General George Marshall advised President Truman that if we did not supply war-torn countries with money, food, and medical supplies, they would be susceptible to a take over by the Soviet Union. Europe is re-built

19 The Soviet Union The Soviet Union The Soviets occupied the Eastern Zone of Berlin, Germany. Eventually, they would build a wall separating Germany into Eastern and Western Sections. The Soviets also claimed the Eastern European nations of Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Romania.

20 The United Nations was founded for the following reasons:
1. Establish democracies around the world. 2. Keep peace among nations and prevent future wars; *mediate or intervene in international disputes 3. Establish trading partners.

21 Effects of World War II Effects of World War II 1.The United Nations was formed. 2.The Cold War Begins. 3.The rise of 2 Super Powers: the Soviet Union and the United States. 4.The race for Atomic strength. 5.Europe is divided into a Democratic West and a Communist East.

22 World War II Losses World War II Losses

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