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Published byΑρσένιος Παχής Modified over 6 years ago
Topic 15A The Principals of transition metals chemistry Lesson 1 Introduction to transition metals
Thursday, 15 November 2018
Introduction to transition metals
be able to deduce the electronic configurations of atoms and ions of the d-block elements of period 4 (Sc–Zn), given the atomic number and charge (if any) know that transition metals are d-block elements that form one or more stable ions with incompletely-filled d-orbitals understand why transition metals show variable oxidation number know what is meant by the term ‘ligand’ understand that dative (coordinate) bonding is involved in the formation of complex ions know that a complex ion is a central metal ion surrounded by ligands understand the meaning of the term ‘coordination number’ understand why H2O, OH− and NH3 act as monodentate ligands be able to identify bidentate ligands, such as NH2CH2CH2NH2 and multidentate ligands, such as EDTA4−
General Properties of Transition Metals
Do Now: What do you know already about the transition metals?
What do we know about the d-block?
Transition metals The outer e- are in the d sub-shell. “Transition metals are d-block elements that form one or more stable ions with incompletely filled d-orbitals” Why are Sc and Zn d-block elements, but NOT transition elements? This slide is a repeat of one in the redox topic Pupils should know that answer to the question. Only Ti-Cu in the first row are transition metals. Sc and Zn have e in the d sub-shell, but they do not form any stable ions with partially filled d sub-shell (Sc3+ would be 1s22s22p63s23p6) (Zn2+ would be 1s22s22p63s23p63d10) Sc1s22s22p63s23p63d14s2 Zn1s22s22p63s23p63d104s2
What are Transition Metals?
Transition metals form at least one stable ion with a partially filled d sub-shell. Top row transition metals: Ti – Cu According to the definition ... Sc is not a transition metal (Sc and Sc3+) Zn is not a transition metal (Zn and Zn2+)
Electronic Configurations
Task: Complete the electronic configurations for the following atoms and ions (Use shorthand notation e.g., [Ar] ...) Remember! 4s fills and empties before 3d Fe [Ar] 4s2 3d6 Cu [Ar] 4s1 3d10 Fe3+ [Ar] 3d5 Cu+ [Ar] 3d10 Sc This is on p2 of the TM Chemsheets booklet Ask pupils to complete the rest of p2 Remind pupils about: Cr [Ar] 4s1 3d5 Cu [Ar] 4s1 3d10 4s1 so that half or full d sub-shell ... More stable [Ar] 4s2 3d1 Cu2+ [Ar] 3d9 Sc3+ [Ar] Zn [Ar] 4s2 3d10 V [Ar] 4s2 3d3 Zn2+ [Ar] 3d10 V2+ [Ar] 3d3 Cr [Ar] 4s1 3d5
Characteristics of TM They are all metals, so your task is to list their characteristics… Hard Strong Shiny High mpt and bpt Good conductors of heat and electricity Act as catalysts Form coloured ions and compounds Form ions with different oxidation states Form ions with incompletely-filled d-orbitals TM tend to be stronger , more dense and less reactive than the metals in Groups 1 and 2.
Uses of TM Their physical properties together with their fairly low chemical reactivity make the TM very useful Fe (and alloy steel) for vehicles and to reinforce concrete Cu for water pipes Ti for jet engine parts that need to withstand high temps
1) They form coloured ions
The majority of TM complexes are coloured e.g., Cu2+ (aq) is blue - CuSO4
2) They form complexes (ligands form co-ordinate bonds to the metal ion)
[Cu(H2O)6]2+ [CuCl4]2- [Cu(H2O)6]2+ formed when CuSO4 dissolves in water
3) They exhibit variable oxidation states
Often have more than one oxidation state in their compounds, e.g., Cu(I) and Cu(II) So they can take part in many redox reactions
Explaining the variable oxidation states in the transition metals
We'll look at the formation of simple ions like Fe2+ and Fe3+. When a metal forms an ionic compound, the formula of the compound produced depends on the energetics of the process. On the whole, the compound formed is the one in which most energy is released. The more energy released, the more stable the compound. There are several energy terms to think about, but the key ones are: The amount of energy needed to ionise the metal (the sum of the various ionisation energies) The amount of energy released when the compound forms. This will either be lattice enthalpy if you are thinking about solids, or the hydration enthalpies of the ions if you are thinking about solutions. The more highly charged the ion, the more electrons you have to remove and the more ionisation energy you will have to provide. But off-setting this, the more highly charged the ion, the more energy is released either as lattice enthalpy or the hydration enthalpy of the metal ion. Page 49 cgp revision guide
4) They show catalytic activity
Ni Margarine production V2O5 Contact Process making SO3 for H2SO4 Fe Haber process to make NH3 Pt, Pd Catalytic converters MnO2 Decomposition of H2O2 Question pupils on the catalysts – they should know Vanadium(V) oxide and iron from Unit 2
Oxidation States What is the oxidation of the TM in the following compounds? TiO3 CuSO4 KMnO4 CoSO4 V2O5 MnCl2 TiCl4 K2CrO4
Oxidation States What is the oxidation of the TM in the following compounds? Ti2O CuSO KMnO CoSO V2O MnCl TiCl K2CrO
Questions on page 102 of the edexcel work book Page 102 of edexcel revision guide Page 49 of CGP revision guide
Quick Check: True or False
TM are very useful because they are generally more reactive than Group 1 and Group 2 metals. The electronic configuration of Cr is [Ar] 4s2 3d4 Zn is not a TM The oxidation state of vanadium is VCl3 is +3 The 4 chemical properties of TM are: Catalysis, formation of coloured ion, formation of complex ions, formation of hydroxides in water
Quick Check: True or False
TM are very useful because they are generally more reactive than Group 1 and Group 2 metals. The electronic configuration of Cr is [Ar] 4s2 3d4 Zn is not a TM The oxidation state of vanadium is VCl3 is +3 The 4 chemical properties of TM are: Catalysis, formation of coloured ion, formation of complex ions, formation of hydroxides in water
Introduction to transition metals
be able to deduce the electronic configurations of atoms and ions of the d-block elements of period 4 (Sc–Zn), given the atomic number and charge (if any) know that transition metals are d-block elements that form one or more stable ions with incompletely-filled d-orbitals understand why transition metals show variable oxidation number know what is meant by the term ‘ligand’ understand that dative (coordinate) bonding is involved in the formation of complex ions know that a complex ion is a central metal ion surrounded by ligands understand the meaning of the term ‘coordination number’ understand why H2O, OH− and NH3 act as monodentate ligands be able to identify bidentate ligands, such as NH2CH2CH2NH2 and multidentate ligands, such as EDTA4−
Complex Formation Do Now: What is a coordinate bond?
What is a covalent bond? What does Fe3+(aq) mean?
What is a Complex? Some definitions ...
Ligand ion/ molecule with a lone pair that forms co-ordinate bond with a metal Complex metal ion with ligands co-ordinately bonded to it Co-ordination number number of co-ordinate bonds from ligand(s) to metal ions Remind pupils of co-ordinate bonds – covalent bond where one atom donates BOTH electrons Make it clear that Lewis acids and Lewis bases are NOT the same as Bronsted-Lowry acids and Bases (opposite way around and involve
Formation of complex Transition metals have a smaller radii than non-transition metals Due to the smaller radii, they can attract electron-rich species more strongly e.g. water molecules The water molecules are attracted to the TM ions strongly so they form a specific number of bonds
Complexes A complex is an ion or molecule with a central atom or ion surrounded by ligands joined by co-ordinate bonds so that the number of ligands exceeds the oxidation state of the central atom. e.g., [Cu(H2O)6]2+
Complexes It is a well known fact that copper(II) sulphate is not a blue solid! Anhydrous copper(II) sulphate is a white solid but becomes blue in solution because of the formation of this complex. Cu2+ + 6H2O [Cu(H2O)6] 2+ white(s) blue(aq) Demo CuSO4 anhydrous and hydrated
Ligands These can be: Negative ions: Cl-, OH-, CN-
Uncharged molecules that have one or more lone pairs of e-: NH3, H2O
Complexes 6 4 The co-ordination number of the complex is the number of
co-ordinate bonds attached to the central atom or ion. [Cr(NH3)6]3+ co-ord no. = [CuCl4]2- co-ord no. = 6 4 Be careful! The coordination number is not defined as the number of ligands in a complex
Naming Complexes
Naming Complexes Formulas give us a lot of info ... [Cu(H2O)6]2+
[CuCl4]2- Brackets: () = ligands comprising more than 1 element (H2O, NH3, OH-, CN-). NOT needed if ligand is ion formed from 1 element. [] = to enclose the complex. Overall charge on the outside. Name also gives a lot of info ... [Cu(H2O)6]2+ Overall charge = +2, central Cu ion, 6 water molecules as ligands, Cu ox state = +2 [CuCl4]2- Overall charge = -2, central Cu ion, 4 chloride ions as ligands, Cu ox state = +2
Naming Complexes Name gives info on ... Number of each type of ligand
The identity of each ligand The identity of the central metal ion and its oxidation state
Overall Charge/Oxidation Number The overall charge on the complex ion is its oxidation number. It is outside of the square brackets. Oxidation number of the metal ion = Total oxidation number – sum of the charges of the ligands E.g. [Fe(CN)6]4- Total oxidation number is -4 and each CN- ligand has a charge of -1 Fe’s ox number = -4 – (6x-1) = +2
Naming Complexes Number of ligands Prefix 2 Di 3 Tri 4 Tetra 5 Penta 6
1. Number of each type of ligand Number of ligands Prefix 2 Di 3 Tri 4 Tetra 5 Penta 6 hexa
Naming Complexes Ligand Name in complex Water Aqua Ammonia Ammine
2. The identity of each ligand Ligand Name in complex Water Aqua Ammonia Ammine Chloride Chloro Hydroxide Hydroxo cyanide Cyano Ammine is with 2 “m” – not to be confused with “amine” Also Diammine and diamine
Name in anionic complex
Naming Complexes 3. The identity of the central metal ion and its oxidation state Name changes depending on whether complex is positively or negatively charged. POSITVELY Charged: Metal has normal name and ox state in brackets e.g., [Cu(H2O)6]2+ hexaaquacopper(II) ion (Cu in ox state +2) NEGATIVELY Charged: Ox state still in brackets. Add suffix “-ate” to end of metal e.g., [CuCl4]2- tetrachlorocuprate(II) ion(Cu in ox state +2) Metal Name in anionic complex Chromium Chromate cobalt Cobaltate Copper Cuprate Iron Ferrate Manganese Manganate Nickel Nickelate Silver Argenate Vanadium Vanadate Aluminium is not a TM, but included here for completeness
Examples [Ag(NH3)2]+ [Co(NH3)6]2+ [Co(H2O)6]2+ [CuCl4]2- [AgCl2]-
Diamminesilver(I) Hexaamminecobalt(II) Hexaaquacobalt(II) Tetrachlorocuprate(II) Dichloroargenate(I)
Naming Complexes If 2 or more different ligands are present – name in alphabetical order (of the ligand, not the number prefix) [Cu(H2O)5(OH)2]+ Pentaaquadihydroxocopper(II) [Cu(H2O)2(NH3)4]2+ Tetraamminediaquacopper(II)
Notes on naming ... 1. Oxidation state NOT charge:
The number in brackets in the name is the oxidation state of the central TM ion, NOT the charge on the complex. [Cu(H2O)6]2+Hexaaquacopper(II) [CuCl4]2-Tetrachlorocuprate(II) 2. When writing formula, put the central metal ion first, then the ligands: They are written in alphabetical order of first symbol in their formula (not written names) E.g., tetraaquadichlorochromium(III) [CrCl2(H2O)4]+ and not [Cr(H2O)4Cl2]+ 3. As An aside ... IUPAC Says When writing formula, write the ligand so that its donor atom symbol is nearest to the central metal ion: So H2O Should be written as (OH2) BUT to avoid confusion, we will use H2O A Level textbooks and exam papers use the non-IUPAC Convention, athough technically incorrect
Quick Check ... Name the following: [Fe(H2O)6]2+ [Cr(NH3)6]3+
[Ag(CN)2]- [MnCl4]2- [Fe(H2O)4(OH)2]+ Write the formula of the following: Diaquasilver(I) Hexaaquavanadium(III) Tetracyanonickelate(II) Tetrachloroferrate(II) Diaquatetrahydroxoaluminate(III)
Quick Check ... Name the following: [Fe(H2O)6]2+ hexaaquairon(II)
[Cr(NH3)6]3+ hexaamminechromium(III) [Ag(CN)2]- dicyanoargenate(I) [MnCl4]2- tetrachloromanganate(II) [Fe(H2O)4(OH)2]+ tetraaquadihydroxoiron(III) Write the formula of the following: Diaquasilver(I) [Ag(H2O)2]+ Hexaaquavanadium(III) [V(H2O)6]3+ Tetracyanonickelate(II) [Ni(CN)4]2- Tetrachloroferrate(II) [FeCl4]2- Diaquatetrahydroxoaluminate(III) [Al(H2O)2(OH)4]-
Introduction to transition metals
be able to deduce the electronic configurations of atoms and ions of the d-block elements of period 4 (Sc–Zn), given the atomic number and charge (if any) know that transition metals are d-block elements that form one or more stable ions with incompletely-filled d-orbitals understand why transition metals show variable oxidation number know what is meant by the term ‘ligand’ understand that dative (coordinate) bonding is involved in the formation of complex ions know that a complex ion is a central metal ion surrounded by ligands understand the meaning of the term ‘coordination number’ understand why H2O, OH− and NH3 act as monodentate ligands be able to identify bidentate ligands, such as NH2CH2CH2NH2 and multidentate ligands, such as EDTA4−
Multidentate Ligands
Denticity Denticity – comes from the Latin word ‘dentis’ meaning tooth
Monodentate ligands – think like ‘one tooth’ or ‘one bite’ Ligand only using one pair of electrons on the atom to form the dative bond with the metal ion. So what would bidentate mean? What about multidentate? Be careful! The coordination number is not defined as the number of ligands in a complex. This is why.
Complex Formation [Cu(H2O)6]2+ [CuCl4]2-
“Dentate” – Latin for “tooth” ... How often they can bite the metal ion Unidentate ligands – form one co-ordinate bond e.g. H2O:, :OH-, :NH3, :CN-, :Cl- [Cu(H2O)6]2+ [CuCl4]2- Draw out the Lewis structures (dot-and cross diagrams) of the ligands as well Show each co-ordinate bond as an arrow pointing from the ligand to the central metal ion
Complex Formation [Cr(C2O4)3]3- [Cr(en)3]3+
Bidentate ligands – form two co-ordinate bonds ethanedioate (C2O42-) 1,2-diaminoethane (en) [Cr(C2O4)3]3- [Cr(en)3]3+ Can donate 2 pairsof e- to the central metal ion in a complex Common ligands: 1,2-diaminoethane Ethanedioate ion
Complex Formation Bidentate ligands – form two co-ordinate bonds 1,2-diaminoethane (en) How would you show the reaction between hexaaquachromium (III) and 1,2-diaminoethane? [Cr(en)3]3+ Can donate 2 pairsof e- to the central metal ion in a complex Common ligands: 1,2-diaminoethane Ethanedioate ion
Complex Formation e.g. [Cu(EDTA)]2-
Multidentate ligands – form several co-ordinate bonds EDTA4- e.g. [Cu(EDTA)]2- EDTA4- can donate 6 pairs of e- to the metal ion. 2 lone pairs are on its N atoms and 4 are on the O on the carboxylate groups. EDTA can be used (under medical supervision) as antidote to poisoning by TM (usually lead poisoning) Chelated ions are excreted in urine My supervisor at St. Andrews fed EDTA to his son who had swallowed some TM compound that was in his house! Think it was lead.
Chelation: Complex ions with polydentate ligands are called “Chelates” Greek for “Claw” Chelates can be used to effectively remove d-block metal ions from solution
Questions page 103 edexcel workbook Page 103 edexcel revision guide
Introduction to transition metals
be able to deduce the electronic configurations of atoms and ions of the d-block elements of period 4 (Sc–Zn), given the atomic number and charge (if any) know that transition metals are d-block elements that form one or more stable ions with incompletely-filled d-orbitals understand why transition metals show variable oxidation number know what is meant by the term ‘ligand’ understand that dative (coordinate) bonding is involved in the formation of complex ions know that a complex ion is a central metal ion surrounded by ligands understand the meaning of the term ‘coordination number’ understand why H2O, OH− and NH3 act as monodentate ligands be able to identify bidentate ligands, such as NH2CH2CH2NH2 and multidentate ligands, such as EDTA4−
Introduction to transition metals
be able to deduce the electronic configurations of atoms and ions of the d-block elements of period 4 (Sc–Zn), given the atomic number and charge (if any) know that transition metals are d-block elements that form one or more stable ions with incompletely-filled d-orbitals understand why transition metals show variable oxidation number know what is meant by the term ‘ligand’ understand that dative (coordinate) bonding is involved in the formation of complex ions know that a complex ion is a central metal ion surrounded by ligands understand the meaning of the term ‘coordination number’ understand why H2O, OH− and NH3 act as monodentate ligands be able to identify bidentate ligands, such as NH2CH2CH2NH2 and multidentate ligands, such as EDTA4−
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