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Topics HDL coding for synthesis. Verilog. VHDL..

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1 Topics HDL coding for synthesis. Verilog. VHDL.

2 Synthesis vs. simulation semantics
Events are interpreted during simulation. Synthesis: Logic/memory is extracted from the description. CL

3 Logic synthesis Synthesis = translation + optimization.
Translated from HDL or direct Boolean network. Ideally, translation includes don’t-cares. Optimization rewrites to satisfy objective functions: area, speed, power.

4 Syntax-directed translation
x = a and b; a x b if (a or b) begin x = c; end; a b x c

5 Verilog simulation and synthesis
Signal assignments must use the assign keyword: assign sig3 = sig1 & sig2;

6 Verilog structural descriptions
Build a structure by wiring together components: input [7:0] a, b; input carryin; output [7:0] sum; output carryout; wire [7:1] carry; fulladd a0(a[0],b[0],carryin,sum[0],carry[1]); fulladd a1(a[1],b[1],carry[1],sum[1],carry[2]); fulladd a2(a[2],b[2],carry[2],sum[2],carry[3]); Type name Instance name

7 VHDL for Synopsys synthesis
Each process should start with an activation list: process foo (a,b,in1,in2) At least two processes: combinational; sequential. Sequential process includes wait until clock…

8 Initializing variables
All variables used must be initialized. Uninitialized variables cause latches to be introduced: BAD.

9 State machines Use case(x/z) statement to decode current state:
initial begin: Init s0 = B”000”; end case (curr) 2’b00: if (in1 = ‘0’) begin o1 = a or b; end; 2’b01: ...

10 Process structure How many combinational processes? separate datapath;
single process for data and control. Comparison: single process is simpler; separate datapath uses less logic. ctrl combin seq seq combin vs. dp combin

11 Multiplexing a datapath element
case (muxctrl) 1’b0: muxout = a; 1’b1: muxout = b; end; foo = muxout or c;

12 Arithmetic Can generate logic by hand.
Operators (+,-,<,>,*,+1,-1,etc.) can be mapped onto library elements. May be limited to standard widths.

13 General synthesis hints
Check out all warnings carefully. An early synthesis run keeps you from debugging a simulation that won’t synthesize.

14 The synthesis process Synthesis is driven by a script:
compile -map_effort med report_fpga > TOP + “.fpga” Script may be customized for the design. Verilog file foo.v, script file foo.script. Typically start with a standard script.

15 Timing constraints Clock period. Group path timing.
Duty cycle, etc. Group path timing. Cells or ports that share the same timing behavior. Input/output delay. End-to-end delay.

16 Hierarchical design and logic optimization
Boolean network model does not reach across component boundaries. Tools generally won’t automatically flatten logic. Size may blow up. You may direct the tool to flatten a group of components. Heuristic flattening algorithms may be used.

17 Instantiating memory Use a memory model:
primitive memories based on LUT; larger memories synthesized from multiple logic elements. Synthesis can’t handle a memory described behaviorally. Can handle behavioral ROM.

18 I/O configuraiton Synthesis can automatically determine the types of many I/O blocks, configure appropriately. Some things that need to be specified: indirect three-state activity; I/O pin location; registered bidirectional I/O.

19 Timing model Synthesis system reads a wire load model from a technology library. Model depends on part, speed grade.

20 Attribute passing FPGA Compiler allows attributes to be passed to EDIF: BUFG X(.I(a),.O(b)); // synopsys attribute LOC BR

21 Results and reports Save design as: Types of reports: database; EDIF.
Default synthesis report. Configuration report. Describes LEs, IOBs, etc. Timing report.

22 Fun with CAD tools Array renaming between tools: <0> [0] _0_

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