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Presentation on theme: "ACCOUNTABILITY BUDDIES"— Presentation transcript:

Teens choose a buddy to stay accountable to regarding current progress in any area of their life that they are working on improving.

2 What is an Accountability Buddy (AB)?
A friend, sibling, co-worker, peer, business associate, etc. For feedback, advice, opinions, STLO (shoulder to lean on), coach, encouragement, etc.

3 CORE VALUES Accountability Responsibility Integrity/Honesty Respect

4 Agreements I will statements Sworn oath for both buddies
Signature of commitment

5 GAMES & ICE BREAKERS Getting to know you Trust game

6 AB ACTIVITIES Questions about progress Strengths Weaknesses Successes
Failures Frustrations

7 PERSONALITY TEST To get to know the differences and similarities of each other To understand different values and perceptions

8 RESOURCES & FREEBIES Further information about being accountable
More information about specific subjects Free gifts and access to ARE events and resources

9 BRAINSTORM SESSIONS These sessions are for AB’s to get together and create ideas and generate activities or develop a plan to work together during meetings

10 BREAKOUT SESSIONS These sessions will allow groups of AB’s to breakout into separate two-person groups and work together on projects or generate ideas


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