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Circular Procurement A strategy to stimulate circular economy…

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Presentation on theme: "Circular Procurement A strategy to stimulate circular economy…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Circular Procurement A strategy to stimulate circular economy…
Joan Prummel Rijkswaterstaat Strategic Advisor Circular Procurement

2 Circular Procurement A strategy to stimulate circular economy…
… on at least six levels

3 Which one is the most circular?
1876 invention of the telephone products to last a lifetime 2007 first iPhone 2017 iPhone 8 -> 'X' Which one is the most circular?

4 What is circular procurement?
Waste contracts Waste Resources Waste Use Dispose Buy User Waste manager Supplier Products

5 Principles of circular procurement
Create a market for circular products Procurement as a strategic instrument Performance based and functional Arrange control on reuse Learning by doing

6 > working circular business case <
Why procurement? Procurement is the only way into any organisation Every circular purchase leads to circular business activity: > working circular business case < Circular procurement is a lever for circular economy

7 Six strategic levels

8 1 Organisational ambitions

9 Policy makers Ambition Policy Results contribute to ambitions Buget holders and managers Results Operation Employees

10 Circular ambition as a steering principle
CE ambitions translate to CE policy CE policy supports CE goals Policy makers support budget holders and managers to achieve the CE goals Managers and budget holders are clients of procurement Procurement results reflect and support CE ambitions

11 CP Circular ambition of the organisation Ambition Policy
Circular products in the organisation Circular assignment by the clients Results Operation Circular procurement by the purchaser

12 2 Steer at the input


14 Waste is the result of procurement
Output is the result of input Waste is the result of procurement

15 3 Influence the supply chain

16 Production Resources Recycling Use Procurement opportunities

17 4 Have real impact

18 45 participants = 80+ pilots 80+ circular business cases
2013 – 2016 Green Deal Circular Procurement Start: 16 participants 2 pilots each share what they learn 45 participants = 80+ pilots 80+ circular business cases

19 5 Use the lever

20 Relevance of procurement? € billion

21 6 Lead by example


23 Recommendations…

24 1 2 3 Jyrki Katainen Set up more learning networks
like the Green Deals 2 Stimulate category planning to engage the market 3 Jyrki Katainen European Commission Vice-President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness 14 December 2017 Lead by example through circular procurement

25 CP is strategic on multiple levels
Implement organisational ambitions Steer output through input Influence the supply chain Have real impact by creating demand Use the lever Lead by example and gain credibility Solve puzzles…

26 A product is not circular until YOU arrange it to be circular!
1876 invention of the telephone products to last a lifetime 2007 first iPhone 2017 iPhone 8 -> 'X' A product is not circular until YOU arrange it to be circular! Which one is the most circular? It depends…

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