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1st Oct 2010, 07:30 pm Halstock Golf Course

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1 1st Oct 2010, 07:30 pm Halstock Golf Course
Common Lane AGM 1st Oct 2010, 07:30 pm Halstock Golf Course 15/11/2018

2 Common Lane AGM Agenda 1. Appointment of Chairperson – to lead items 1 to 4 2. Apologies 3. Approval of Constitution 4. Election of Officers 5. Project Report – Simon Dalton Financial report – Tony Woodroffe Future activities – Simon Dalton General discussion - All 15/11/2018

3 Appointment of Chairperson

4 Received to date Martin Manning David Wright Others..
Apologies Received to date Martin Manning David Wright Others.. 15/11/2018

5 Approval of Constitution
Go to Constitution 15/11/2018

6 Election of Officers 15/11/2018

7 Officer Positions • Chairman • Project Manager • Secretary
• Membership secretary • Treasurer • Sponsorship Manager • Landowner Liaison Manager • Communications Manager • Parish Council Representative 15/11/2018

8 Report 2009 to 2010 (to date) Date Jan 2010 Friends Officially Formed
Committee up to speed Feb 2010 Public Meeting Great support Mar 2010 Spring Working Party Apr 2010 Closure Notice for 18 months May 2010 1Q Newsletter Jun 2010 Corscombe Fete Stall Members increased DCC Meeting First stage funding confirmed Jul 2010 First Stage Works Aug 2010 Before and after 2Q Newsletter Treasure Hunt Photo Competition Halstock Fete Stall Plaudits and pledges Sep 2010 Website Updated Survey Go to Pictures Go to Notice Go to Newsletter Go to Pictures Go to Pictures Go to Newsletter Go to Pictures Go to Pictures 15/11/2018 Go to Presentation

9 Finally a Big Thank You Freda – perseverance
Graham Laurie – DCC support Contributors Corscombe Fund Raising Committee Halstock and Parish Council Friends Working Parties Donations Promoting the vision 15/11/2018

10 Financial Report 15/11/2018

11 Financial Statement – 1 of 2
COMMON LANE PROJECT FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR PERIOD ENDING AUGUST 31ST 2010 Income Expenditure Balance C/F £ Membership Fees £ Donations £ Total £ Assets Liabilities Bank Balance Signed: A J Woodroffe Treasurer Common Lane Project Date: September 30th 2010 15/11/2018

12 Financial Statement – 2 of 2
COMMON LANE PROJECT Financial Period Ending August 31st 2010 Donations Received Name Amount Corscombe Fund Raising Committee £ Halstock & Corscombe Parish Council £ Various Individual Donations £ Total £ 15/11/2018

13 Future Activities 15/11/2018

14 Future Activities Date 4Q 2010 Finalise Grants and Sponsorship Plan
Improve Road Closure Signs Autumn Working Party Landowner Hedge and Ditch work 2011 Corscombe High Priority Sections Sponsored Information Boards Plan for final middle sections Go to Future – Video 15/11/2018

15 Links 15/11/2018

16 Spring Working Party Back to Report 15/11/2018

17 First Stage Works Back to Report 15/11/2018

18 Before 15/11/2018

19 After – Clarkes Gorse 15/11/2018

20 After - Section Beyond Clarkes

21 After – Land Owner Works

22 Treasure Hunt Back to Report 15/11/2018

23 Photo Competition Adult Class Winner 15/11/2018 Back to Report

24 Future – High Priority 15/11/2018

25 Back-Up 15/11/2018

26 Vision To restore the Lane as a sustainable healthy recreational resource for a range of users, safeguarding its environment, history and nature. To create an educational visitor attraction, which is free, accessible and open all year, and which promotes the local economy. To balance the needs of a working lane and restore an ancient way into the national route network. To form a template for further route improvements in the local area. 15/11/2018

27 Aims and Objectives Regenerate the surface and improve the water management Make the lane passable by pedestrians, horses, pedal cyclists and wheelchairs Develop the lane as a recreational resource, Safeguard the lane’s environmental, historical and agricultural value Create a high quality visitor attraction Provide a haven for wildlife with facilities to aid observation and learning. Make it sustainable and easy to maintain. Seek ways to minimise damage by vehicles to the route Preserve necessary access by farm vehicles. 15/11/2018

28 Common Lane Project Group
Chairman – Freda Hennessy Project Manager – Simon Dalton Secretary – Vacant Treasurer – Tony Woodroffe Landowner Liaison – Finlay Mcpherson (acting) Sponsors/Grants – David Wright Communications – Katharine Singleton-Smith Working Party Co-ordinator – Jenny Dalton (acting) Parish Council Liaison – Martin Manning 15/11/2018

29 Landowner/Council Responsibilities
Common Lane Officially classified a D Road Dorset District Council Highways Authority Responsible for surface, signs etc Verges, unless landowner deeds show otherwise and under road drainage, culverts Landowners Responsible for hedges Ditches, piped ditch under field access Grips, If in doubt, please ask for advice from Common Lane Management Committee 15/11/2018

30 Working Party Volunteers required
Provide contact details to Jenny Dalton Please fill in form Date end of February to be agreed Provisionally 6th/7th Mar Bring tools/gloves On the day Work as a team Listen to guidance/safety briefing 15/11/2018

31 Letters refer to map and video commentary references
Common Lane Initial Survey – 1 of 3 Surface Ditch/ Pipes Grips Hedges/ Trees Other Notes Priority A Average Poor Good Medium B V Good C V Poor High D Low F Ruts G H V High I Rubbish W Party J K L Badgers M N Letters refer to map and video commentary references A B C D W Party = Working Party F G H I J K L M N Common Lane Initial Survey V3 – 30 Dec 2009 Simon Dalton

32 Letters refer to map and video commentary references
Common Lane Initial Survey – 2 of 3 O R Q P S T Surface Ditch/ Pipes Grips Hedges/ Trees Other Notes Priority O V Poor Poor Good Drainage Advice High P Average V Good Low Q R S Rubbish Medium T Badgers U V W W Party V High X Y Z U V X W Y Z Letters refer to map and video commentary references W Party = Working Party Common Lane Initial Survey V3 – 30 Dec 2009 Simon Dalton

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