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Warm up! What are the 5 themes of geography spelled out with MR. HELP?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up! What are the 5 themes of geography spelled out with MR. HELP?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up! What are the 5 themes of geography spelled out with MR. HELP?
For each of the following, choose the theme of geography that best fits the statement. Colorado is very mountainous, and it does not have a large population. Steven lives at 5843 Sanderson Street. To survive living in Galveston, where there are lots of hurricanes, people build tall beach houses that will not flood. Many goods that we buy in Houston are made in China, then shipped to the United States. One characteristic that most people in East Africa share is they speak a common language: Swahili.

2 Human Geo With your partner, see if you can come up with SOMETHING about each different global region. If you get stuck: Climate Economics Current events Culture/religion


4 Scale and Cartography

5 Scale The relationship between distance on a map and distance in real life.

6 Global Scale: Small or large scale?
The bigger the zoom, the bigger the scale. Since this is small zoom, this is small scale.

7 Small or large scale? Global, national, or local?

8 Written Scale Scale is written out in words

9 Graphic Scale Scale is given in a drawing.

10 Fractional Scale Scale is given as a fraction.

11 World Geography Studies
Globes Globes are three dimensional representations of the earth. The most accurate type of representation that can be made. More accurate than maps World Geography Studies B

12 Cartography The science of mapmaking.

13 Map Projections Projection—Displaying a 3-D image in a 2-D way
Any map produces distortion Mercator Map—Most common projection World Geography Studies B

14 Peters Projection

15 The most accurate map in the world…

16 Authagraph World Map

17 Political Map Shows the political boundaries of a map.

18 Give this map a title.

19 Physical Map Shows the elevation (altitude) of different parts of a landform

20 Economic/Resource Map
Shows the distribution of natural resources in a country.

21 Graduated Symbol Map What is the theme of this map? (TLC) Uses larger/smaller dots to show different scales of use

22 Cloropleth Map Thematic map that uses shading
What is the theme of this map? (TLC) Make 2 REGIONAL observations about this map.

23 Dot map Cell phone towers in the US (2009)

24 Flow Line Map Maps that use lines to show movement of goods or people

25 Contour Map Uses lines to show elevation

26 Isoline map

27 Cartograms! What does this cartogram show?

28 Cartograms distort maps based on statistics (countries with more of something are bigger)

29 Global Positioning System (GPS)
Uses satellites to establish remote sensing (monitoring the earth from far away) and get lots of detail about every inch of the earth Allows us to gather lots of data That way you can blow people up far away! (you don’t have to write that)

30 Geographic Information Systems
GIS--computer programs that stores, organize and displays cartographical information collected by GPS systems. Helps us analyze all the data from GPS


32 Latitude and Longitude

33 Bar Graph

34 Line Graph

35 Pie Chart

36 Homework! You will now be working with some data, graphs, and charts on teen pregnancy. Next class, we will work with different types of maps to analyze a world region.

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