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What comes to mind when you think of the country, CHINA?

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Presentation on theme: "What comes to mind when you think of the country, CHINA?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What comes to mind when you think of the country, CHINA?
Bell Ringer & Vocab What comes to mind when you think of the country, CHINA? Content Vocab: Open Door Policy Boxer Rebellion John Hay Spheres of Influence Academic Vocab: Influence

2 Open Door Policy In CHINA

3 China Overview China had once been the most advanced empire in the world. However, years of civil war had weakened the empire. In addition, China had failed to industrialize as other nations had in the 1800s. As a result, it was unable to fight off industrial nations that wanted to reap profits from its vast resources and markets.

4 American Diplomacy In China
By 1899 US was major power in Asia 3rd largest navy in the world Primary interest in Asia was not conquest but commerce new markets

5  China was far weaker than anyone thought
China Loses War with Japan 1894 War erupted in between China and Japan over Korea. Europe and US thought China would win for sure due to its huge population But Japan’s development in western technology conquered China  China was far weaker than anyone thought

6 Spheres of Influence Get out of my country!
I claim this piece for Russia I claim this piece for Japan I claim this piece for France I claim this piece for Great Britain I claim this piece for Germany

7 Spheres of Influence Get out of my country! I claim this piece for Russia I claim this piece for Japan After, Russia, France, and Germany demanded that China “lease” land to them. These leaseholds became the “sphere of influence”, an area where a foreign country controls all economic development. The land would still belong to China but another foreign government would control it. I claim this piece for France I claim this piece for Great Britain I claim this piece for Germany

8 Open Door Policy HEY! You guys need to share with the USA!
Get out of my country! I claim this piece for Russia I claim this piece for Japan HEY! You guys need to share with the USA! I claim this piece for France I claim this piece for Great Britain I claim this piece for Germany

9 HEY! You guys need to share with the USA!
Open Door Policy In 1899, U.S. Secretary of State John Hay established the Open Door policy. This policy declared that other nations must share trading rights with the US. Other nations decided they had to agree. China was not consulted. HEY! You guys need to share with the USA!


11 US beliefs about foreign trade
Purpose of the Open Door Policy US beliefs about foreign trade 1. The growth of the US economy depended on exports. China was a HUGE potential market 3. If one area was closed to US products, people, or ideas US itself was threatened. 2. The US had a right to keep foreign markets open. It would use force if necessary 11


13 Boxer Rebellion Secret Chinese societies began organizing to kick out foreign control. One of these groups were called the “Boxers” In 1900 they attacked foreigners, killing hundreds of Christian missionaries, and others. The Boxer Rebellion formally ended with the signing of the Boxer Protocol on September 7, By terms of the agreement, forts protecting Beijing were to be destroyed, Boxer and Chinese government officials involved in the uprising were to be punished, foreign legations were permitted to station troops in Beijing for their defense, China was prohibited from importing arms for two years and it agreed to pay more than $330 million in reparations to the foreign nations involved.

14 US Benefits • The United States joined with other trading countries and Japan to defeat the “Boxer Rebellion” with troops in 1900. Thousands of Chinese were killed. In the end The United States strengthened the Open Door policy and continued to use force to keep the markets open for many years.

15 Who does this cartoonist say has control over China after the Open Door Policy?

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