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Environmental Problems, Causes and Sustainability

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1 Environmental Problems, Causes and Sustainability
TODAY 8/31/16: Environmental Problems (PPT) NB #7 An Introduction to Environmental Science

2 Notebook #7 Environmental Problems

3 Living Sustainably Environment-everything that affects a living organism Ecology-Study of relationships between living organisms and environment

4 Brainstorm with your learning partner and do the following:
List as many factors of the “environment” you can for Nemo on the left side of your interactive notebook (DRAW Nemo in the middle) Now, distinguish between the living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) factors

5 list as many environmental problems as you can in 2 minutes
Time the students and then have them share - compile as a list on the board

6 Major Environmental Themes
Resource depletion Pollution Extinction

7 Resource depletion Using up our natural resources
Forests, water, soil, minerals, wildlife, etc.

8 Renewable resources Continually replaced
Soil (but takes hundreds of years!) Trees Sunlight Wind Crops Geothermal

9 Non renewable resources
Exhaustible Fixed quantity Renewed on scale of millions of years Examples? Think- Pair- Share Fossil fuels Oil, gas, coal, uranium Minerals Salt, copper, aluminum, etc.

10 Causes for resource depletion…
Rapid population growth Unsustainable resource use Technology – good & bad Not including the environmental costs in products Trying to manage nature with too little knowledge


12 Pollution contamination of the environment
that causes instability, harm or discomfort to the ecologic systems or living organisms

13 Pollutants are often chemicals but can be solid materials or even energy, such as noise, heat, or light energy that contaminate our water, air or soil

14 Point Source pollution comes from single, identifiable source

15 Nonpoint pollution Sources are dispersed and difficult to identify
Ex. Fertilizer on lawns, farms, golf courses

16 Pollution Solutions Prevention /input control 5 R’s Refuse Replace
Reduce Reuse Recycle

17 Extinction The end of the existence of a species - the death of the last individual of a species Amur Leopard – only about 40 left

18 Have students come up to read – there’s a lot of info on this infogrpahic

19 Reasons for extinction
List all that you think first…. Habitat destruction Invasive species Poaching Black market Let students discuss and list reasons before revealing reasons

20 So what’s at the root of these problems?

21 POPULATION CRISIS Number of people is growing too quickly for earth to support High population growth mostly in developing countries Click on hyperlink for updated work population

22 Billions of people Time
16 15 ? 14 13 12 11 ? 10 9 Billions of people 8 ? 7 6 5 4 3 Black Death–the Plague 2 1 2-5 million years 8000 6000 4000 2000 2000 2100 Time B.C. A.D. Hunting and gathering Agricultural revolution Industrial revolution

23 Doubling time “Rule of 70” 70/ % growth rate=doubling time in years
At this rate when will population double? How old will you be? 31.58

24 Let’s practice ! Use rule of 70
In 2012, the United States was growing at 1.9% In 2012, Niger was growing at 7.1% US 36.84 Niger 9.85

25 Compare Developed and Developing Countries
Give students time to think and share out

26 Developed Countries Highly industrialized high per capita GNP
Slower growth Can you think of a few?

27 Developing Countries Low to moderate industrialization
Low to moderate per capita GNP Fast growing What are some other indicators? Hmmmm....

28 Population (billions)
12 11 10 World total 9 World total 8 Developing countries Developing countries 7 Population (billions) 6 5 4 3 Developed countries Developed countries 2 1 2000 2050 2100 1950 Year

29 Per Capita Ecological Footprint
9.6 3.8 0.8 United States Netherlands India

30 Example Poor parents in a developing country would need children to have the same resource consumption as 2 children in the U.S.!!!! WW!!!!

31 19% 81% 85% 88% 75% Population Population growth Percent of World’s
Wealth and income 88% Resource use 75% Pollution and waste Developed countries Developing countries

32 CONSUMPTION CRISIS Using, wasting or polluting natural resources faster than they can be renewed Mostly occurring in developed countries Awesome website

33 Sustainability Ability to survive and function for a specified time
Sustainable Earth – Is it possible? Ask why the picture of the deer?

34 Sustainable Society manages society, economy and population
all resources managed to last indefinitely EARTH all resources managed to last indefinitely

35 Sustainable World Considerations

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