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2. Thoracic and Abdominal Pelvic Membranes

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1 2. Thoracic and Abdominal Pelvic Membranes
Thoracic membranes: Walls of right and left compartments are lined with parietal pleura (“pariet” = wall; “pleur” = rib) Lungs are covered with visceral pleura (“viscera” = organs in a body cavity) Pleural cavity – fluid-filled “space” between the parietal and visceral pleural membranes Heart is surrounded by pericardial membranes (“peri” = around; “cardi” = heart) Visceral pericardium Parietal pericardium Pericardial cavity What do you think the last 3 terms on this slide refer to specifically ? Label the body cavities and membranes on the handouts provided. Use different colored pencil for each body cavity. (Answers on the following three slides)

2 Fig. 1.7a

3 Fig. 1.7b

4 Fig. 1.8

5 3. Organ Systems a. Body covering - Integumentary System
b. Support and Movement: Skeletal System – support Muscular System - movement c. Integration and Coordination: Nervous System – brain, spinal cord, nerves, and sensory organs Endocrine System - all the glands that secrete hormones What do we commonly call the integumentary system?

6 3. Organ Systems (cont.) d. Transport: e. Absorption and Excretion:
Cardiovascular System – flow of blood Lymphatic System – transports tissue fluid back to the bloodstream e. Absorption and Excretion: Digestive System – receives, breaks down, and absorbs food Respiratory System – moves air in and out, and exchanges gases between blood and the air Urinary System – removes waste from blood; maintains water and electrolyte balance f. Reproductive System – produces offspring

7 Anatomical Terminology
Describes: Relative Positions of body parts to each other Body Sections – cutting or sectioning the body along various planes Body Regions

8 Relative Positions Superior – above (or closer to the head)
Inferior – below (closer to the feet) Anterior (ventral) – toward the front Posterior (dorsal) – toward the back Medial – middle (closer to the R-L midline) Lateral – side (further from the R-L midline) Proximal – closer to a point of attachment Distal – further from a point of attachment Superficial – near the surface (shallow) Deep – more internal (further from the surface) Use the following two slides to quiz positions. Example: The pelvic cavity is inferior to the lungs. (Use other examples for proximal/distal and superficial/deep.)

9 Fig. 1.7a

10 Fig. 1.7b

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