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Chapter 1 Introduction to Anatomy

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1 Chapter 1 Introduction to Anatomy

2 Take a few to review for the Terminology quiz
Do Now Take a few to review for the Terminology quiz

3 Anatomical position To avoid confusion among medical professional an anatomical position has been established. It is an erect stance with arms to the side palms facing forward and head forward.

4 Terms of position & direction Anatomical planes

5 Medical term for locations
Anterior-refers to the front of the body Posterior refers to the back of the body

6 Medial and Lateral Medial-closer to the midline Lateral-away from the

7 Draw a knee and identify the following on it. Anterior Medial Lateral
Do Now Draw a knee and identify the following on it. Anterior Medial Lateral

8 Proximal Situated nearer to the center of the body, a point of attachment or midline of body. Ex. Shoulder is proximal to the elbow Ex. Hip is proximal to the knee

9 Distal Away from the center of the body or point of attachment

10 Cranial/Superior Closer To the Head/Cranium, or Above

11 Caudal/Inferior Closer to the feet Lower part of body


13 Do Now Draw a foot like picture
Identify the following anatomical locations: Distal-D Posterior-P Medial-M Lateral-L

14 Anatomical position worksheet

15 Write down this definition:
Do Now Write down this definition: Palmar-is the directional location for the palm of the hand.

16 Movements Flexion( ) -bending of hinge joint
Extension( / )-straightening of hinge joint

17 Abduction( Abd)-Away from the midline
Adduction (Add)- toward the midline

18 Pronation(pron)- palm down for wrist
Inward lean of forefoot for ankle

19 Orthotics

20 This is how orthotics work


22 Supination(sup)-palm up for wrist
Do Now-copy this in notes Supination(sup)-palm up for wrist Outward lean of forefoot for ankle


24 Supination

25 Inversion(Inv)-sole is inward
Eversion(Ev)- sole is outward

26 Protraction (protract)-shoulders forward Retraction(retract-shoulders back

27 Internal rotation-(Int. R)rotating toward the body
External rotation (Ext.R)-rotating away from the body

28 Circumduction(circum.)
Happens at the ball and socket joint and encompasses several movements.

29 Plantarflexion(PF)-pointing ankle

30 Dorsiflexion(DF)-ankle up

31 Lateral flexion(Lat. – )to the side

32 Horizontal Abduction (Horiz.Abd) and Horizontal Adduction(Horiz.Add)

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