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IV. Chinese Civilization

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1 IV. Chinese Civilization

2 A. Geography of China Last great civilization to develop but the only one that survives today Huang He (Yellow) & Yangtze Rivers – Main rivers that civilization developed around Yellow River – “China’s Sorrow” very unpredictable flooding that often caused disasters


4                                                           Yellow River

5 Natural barriers isolated China from others
Chinese did not want to have contact with outsiders Viewed all people not Chinese as barbarians

6 B. Chinese Culture Family is central to Chinese society
Most important value is respect for one’s parents Girls had arranged marriages around and moved into their husband’s home Mandate of Heaven – Divine approval thought to be the basis of royal authority in Chinese society

7 C. Chinese Religion Family is closely linked to Chinese religion
Families pay respect to their father’s ancestors and make sacrifices in their honor Oracle Bones – Priest heated animal bones to have questions answered by the gods

8                                                              Oracle Bones

9 D. Process of Reading Oracle Bones
1) Wrote questions on animal bones 2) Applied hot pokers to the bones causing them to crack 3) Priest would read the cracks and interpret how their questions were answered

10 E. Development of Writing
Earliest evidence of Chinese writing is the Oracle Bones Similar to other pictographic languages Person who knows 1,000 symbols is barely literate True scholars mastered over 10,000 symbols


12 Chinese script is unique, isn’t it?
Think about other elements of Chinese culture: Chinese architecture, music, technology, dress and fashion, and eastern belief systems… Also unique! Gobi Desert Taklimakan Desert Himalaya Mts. Pacific Ocean PEACE LOVE TOLERANCE LUCK ETERNITY

13 F. China is Unified China is unified around 200 B.C. under the rule of Shi Huangdi Shi Huangdi –Means “First Emperor” Ruled China as a ruthless dictator Burnt books he didn’t agree with and burnt and buried Chinese scholars alive

14 Tomb of Shi Huangdi


16 G. Great Wall of China Shi Huangdi is also responsible for ordering the construction of the Great Wall of China Wall stretches 1400 miles Millions of peasants built the wall One million people die during its construction and most are buried inside the wall

17 Great Wall of China

18 Actual Great Wall                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Daniel Lovering / AP The

19 3,000 Year Old Chinese Coins

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