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ISN pg 174 title: The Battles of World War I

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1 ISN pg 174 title: The Battles of World War I
Preview: What is Militarism? How did it lead to WWI? Who were the members of the Triple Alliance? Who were the members of the Triple Entente? How did the Industrial Revolution lead to WWI?

2 The Battles of the Great War
The War to End All Wars The Battles of the Great War

3 The Powder Keg in the Balkans
By 1914, Europe was in bad situation: countries had large armies & felt glory could be gained by winning war (militarism), were competitive after years of imperialism & rise of nationalism, had large alliances that might pull all countries into war After years of fighting for new territory, great tension in Balkans

4 On June 28, 1914, Franz Ferdinand was assassinated

5 The War Begins On July 23, Austria-Hungary issued an ultimatum to Serbia: Either allow Austria-Hungarian officials to investigate the assassination …OR… Go to war On July 28,1914 Serbia declined the ultimatum & Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia

6 World War 1 Begins Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia & its ally Russia On August 4, 1914, England declared war on Germany & Austria-Hungary On July 28,1914, Serbia declined the ultimatum On August 1, 1914, Germany declared war on Russia On August 3, 1914, Germany declared war on France Italy backed out of its agreement with Germany & Austria-Hungary… …and joined the Allies

7 Recruits of the Central Powers
New French Recruits Recruits of the Central Powers A German soldier bays bye to his mother Austro-Hungarians


9 Schlieffen Plan Problem: Germany had enemies on both west & east borders Solution: Germany could defeat France quickly before Russia could enter war; Then fight Russia

10 But…the Germans went AROUND these defenses & attacked through Belgium
The Schlieffen Plan But…the Germans went AROUND these defenses & attacked through Belgium France anticipated a German attack & built up defenses between France & Germany

11 Battle of the Marne & Battle of Tannenberg
Meanwhile, Russia mobilized faster than expected, so Germany had to divert troops from France to fight the Russia army The Schlieffen Plan seemed to be working as the German army had early wins & seemed ready to take Paris But, English & French saved Paris at the Battle of the Marne Because France was not taken quickly & Russia got ready too fast, Germany had to abandon the Schlieffen Plan & fight a 2-front war

12 Total War World War 1 became the 1st war to use total war tactics
Governments committed all their nation’s resources & took over industry to win the war Soldiers were drafted, the media was censored, propaganda was created to support the war The enemy became the other nation, not just its soldiers

13 Total War New weapons were introduced: Machine guns, tanks, airplanes, flame throwers, poison gas, blimps, heavy artillery, submarines (u-boats) To protect themselves from the enemy, both the Allies & Central Powers built trenches Weapons of War Video (4.48)

14 Realities of War Video


16 Krupp’s “Big Bertha” Gun


18 French Renault Tank

19 U-Boats

20 Allied Ships Sunk by U-Boats

21 “Squadron Over the Brenta” Max Edler von Poosch, 1917
The Airplane “Squadron Over the Brenta” Max Edler von Poosch, 1917

22 The Zeppelin

23 Grenade Launchers Flame Throwers



26 Trench Warfare

27 The soldiers had very little decent food, and what food they had was often attacked by rats.
These rats were the size of small rabbits and badgers because they had fed on the decomposing bodies of dead soldiers. Trench Foot

28 Would you have “gone over the top”?
“No Man’s Land” Would you have “gone over the top”?

29 Total War Trench warfare made it difficult for either side to win a victory World War I became a war of attrition in which both the Allies & the Central Powers tried to out-last & wear down the enemy

30 Factories on the homefront Curtis-Martin U. S. Aircraft Plant
French Women Factory Workers German Women Factory Workers


32 Recruitment Posters

33 Anti-German Propaganda

34 The Great War was a “world war”
France & Germany used African troops Japan joined to take German colonies in South East Asia Ottomans allied with Germany England used Indian troops Canada, Australia, & New Zealand supported Britain

35 Sikh British Soldiers in India
Turkish Cavalry Sikh British Soldiers in India Chinese Soldiers

36 Mapping the Battles of WWI
Identify the Allied Powers & the Central Powers Draw arrows representing the Schlieffen Plan Identify the Western Front, Eastern Front



39 But…the Germans went AROUND these defenses & attacked through Belgium
The Schlieffen Plan But…the Germans went AROUND these defenses & attacked through Belgium France anticipated a German attack & built up defenses between France & Germany

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