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Dr John Woollard School of Education University of Southampton

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1 Dr John Woollard School of Education University of Southampton

2 Contact: Online grooming Cyberbullying Social networking Content: Viewing inappropriate content Plagiarism and content: Copyright Inaccurate information User-generated content Blogging Commercialism: E-commerce Privacy Junk email or spam Premium rate services

3 Half (49%) of young people questioned say they have given out personal information, such as their full names, ages, email addresses, phone numbers, hobbies or names of their schools, to someone they met on the internet. By contrast, only 5% of parents think their child has given out such information. (Source: UK Children Go Online.) Prior to the launch of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP), there was no centralised collection of details of internet-related abuse in the UK, and not all victims reported incidents. The need for e-safety

4 You are going to watch a video that introduces different aspects of e-safety. Jennys Story is a short film based on the true story of Jenny, a teenager who chats to a stranger on the internet. It shows how, through chatting online, Jenny reveals personal information which results in her being contacted in real life and ultimately hurt. Introduction to Jennys Story

5 Jennys Story illustrates one of the dangers to children when using the internet: that of online grooming, which could lead to physical harm. Grooming is defined by the Home Office as: A course of conduct enacted by a suspected paedophile, which would give a reasonable person cause for concern that any meeting with a child arising from the conduct would be for unlawful purposes. Online grooming is only one of a whole range of risks that you will consider today.

6 We cannot give you copies of the DVD or distribute it through our intranet or the internet. It is a condition set by Childnet that the material is always shown by trained and experienced adults. This DVD is not to be used by you in a school before the completion of your training. We are showing it here for training purposes only. The DVD lasts eight minutes, after which there will be short discussions. The DVD

7 In pairs, consider these issues: 1.How could Jenny be made to do things that she wouldnt normally do? 2.Why did Claire pass Jodie on to Jenny? 3.Why did Jenny feel pressurised to give out her address? 4.What other subjects might pupils discuss online which could reveal vital information without them realising it? 5.What do you think made Jenny trust Jodie? Jennys Story discussion questions

8 In fours, compare responses: 1.How could Jenny be made to do things that she wouldnt normally do? 2.Why did Claire pass Jodie on to Jenny? 3.Why did Jenny feel pressurised to give out her address? 4.What other subjects might pupils discuss online which could reveal vital information without them realising it? 5.What do you think made Jenny trust Jodie? Compare your responses

9 1.Why might young people behave differently online from offline? 2.How might young people put each other at risk online? 3.Other than contact with strangers, what are the other areas of risk to young people posed by the internet? 4.What advice could we give young people to help them keep safe online? 5.What would make a young person reluctant to tell an adult about something which made them feel uncomfortable on the internet? 6.What can a school do to keep children safe on the internet? E-safety discussion questions

10 The Rome Group is cross curricular resource which discusses issues such as copyright and plagiarism, password protection, firewalls and viruses. It can be used in a range of settings with key stage 3 pupils and has supporting lesson plans written in the strategy style. Consider how you could use the Rome Group resource with a group of pupils. To obtain copies of the Rome Group resource, visit and select the trainee teacher option. Curriculum application Microsofts Rome Group and supporting lesson plans are reproduced with permission from Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

11 While the discussions are still fresh in your mind, do the following: 1.Read the leaflet E-safety – an introduction for trainee teachers, which accompanies this lesson 2.Consider and research e-safety in your placement school 3.Spend 20 minutes researching the Childnet website KnowITAll – – and select the option for trainee teachers 4.Log your activities as part of your evidence of meeting the QTS standards Further study

12 Q21 of the standards requires that trainee teachers must: Be aware of the current legal requirements, national policies and guidance on the safeguarding and promotion of the well-being of children and young people. Know how to identify and support children and young people whose progress, development or well-being is affected by changes or difficulties in their personal circumstances, and when to refer them to colleagues for specialist support. Relevance of e-safety to professional standards for qualified teacher status (QTS) (2007)

13 Q1: work with your tutor group and discuss some issues Q4: write a witness statement saying you communicated the ideas effectively to children Q7: write a reflective statement about your future contribution to e-safety in schools Q8/Q17/Q23: make sure you are conscious of e-safety when introducing new technologies to pupils and using ICT with pupils Other relevant standards

14 Q20: discuss e-safety issues with PSHE, ICT and citizenship co-ordinators Q21: write a reflective statement about your responsibilities if confronted with e-safety issues Q30: advise pupils on e-safety when using an online system (VLE, learning platform, intranet) to support class work and homework

15 Contact: Online grooming Cyberbullying Social networking Content: Viewing inappropriate content Plagiarism and content: Copyright Inaccurate information User-generated content Blogging Commercialism: E-commerce Privacy Junk email or spam Premium rate services

16 Remember that most children who form online friendships with peers typically report a positive experience. There are wonderful, exciting ways of using the internet positively (including for homework!). For examples of how young people have used the internet to express themselves in positive ways, visit the Childnet Academy website.

17 If you suspect that a pupil is a victim of physical abuse or you have received any type of disclosure about abuse occurring either online or offline, you MUST contact the designated member of staff immediately and make it clear to the pupil that he or she will have to share the information with a colleague of yours. For your benefit, you should make and sign accurate notes of the incident immediately after the disclosure. To report suspicious behaviour online with or towards a child contact the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre Most important…




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