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Self Assessment & Target Setting

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1 Self Assessment & Target Setting
NQT Induction Self Assessment & Target Setting

2 Initial Self Assessment
Upload Career Entry Profile (CEP) to Step 1 of induction profile. Using your CEP to help you, complete Step 1 of the induction profile. Consider your areas of most confidence and least confidence in relation to the 5 Dimensions of the teaching standards. Comprehensively complete the required sections in Step 1. Only submit when you have carefully checked for accuracy – i.e. spelling mistakes, locking down before completion, areas for development not completed. Once submitted this step can not be amended

3 Self Assessment Activity
Using your own CEP and the 5 Dimensions identify the areas where you are most confident and why. Identify the areas where you consider you are least confident and how this could be addressed. Discuss these with an NQT colleague sitting adjacent to you.

4 When do we set and review development targets?
ERW expectation – development targets are set TERMLY. Set initial development targets in the induction profile which is only accessible once the notification form has been received by EWC. These development targets would be based upon the CEP, the NQT’s self assessment in Step 1, national and/or school priorities. Development targets would be reviewed before 140, 270 and 380 sessions. New development targets should be set after each progress review. Subsequent development targets could be agreed from shortcomings identified during lesson observations.

5 What should be contained in a development target?
Development target - What am I going to achieve? Action - What am I going to do? Support –What support do I need and how do I access it? Success Criteria - How will I know when I have achieved it? Time scale - By when?

6 Activity Draft development targets for the following themes using the outline provided in the previous slide and discuss with the NQT adjacent to you: Behaviour management Use of IT Performance of eFSM pupils

7 Where should development targets and progress reviews be recorded?
In step 2 development targets should be agreed, recorded and reviewed on a termly basis (140, 270, 380 sessions). Once termly development targets have been discussed, agreed and recorded this section must then be locked. Termly reviews will be conducted by the NQT, Induction Mentor and the External Verifier. Each review must be locked down on completion. Please be aware that content cannot be amended once sections have been locked down! At the end of 380 sessions final review and recommendations need to be completed by NQT/IM/EV and on completion locked.

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