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Presentation on theme: "INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION REVIEW"— Presentation transcript:


2 Define the Industrial Revolution.
The Industrial Revolution, which took place from the 18th to 19th centuries, was a period during which predominantly agrarian, rural societies in Europe and America became industrial and urban

3 1790 Americans working in farming: 90% 1990 Americans working in farming: 2.6%

4 Describe 1 cause of industrialization in 19th century United States.
Innovations (technology) Free enterprise investments Embargo Act 1807 War of 1812 Natural Resources Transportation improvements

5 Describe free enterprise and its impact on industrialization.
Free enterprise is an economic system where few restrictions are placed on business activities and ownership. people were willing to invest their capital Entrepreneurship – people who risk their capital in organizing and running a business Freedom to own, compete, and to select an occupation

6 How did Eli Whitney’s cotton gin affect the economies of the North and South during the 19th century? The South became a “cotton kingdom”; the number of slaves increased Northern textile mills were built


8 Explain reasons for the development of the plantation system in the South.
The geography and climate of the South (warm climate, fertile soil) made agriculture the main economic activity. Farms grew larger to produce cash crops, creating the need for laborers.


10 How does the War of 1812 connect to the Industrial Revolution?
forced Americans to purchase American products Embargo Act before the War of forced Americans to produce their own goods

11 What innovation is pictured?


13 What innovation is pictured?
Interchangeable parts


15 Where did women first seek and find work in the 19th century?
Textile factories

16 Define urbanization and describe what caused it.
Population shifted to cities for factory jobs

17 Name three improvements in transportation during the Industrial Revolution.
steamboat, locomotive, canals, roads

18 Describe the innovations in communication in the 19th century and their impact on the lives of Americans. telegraph allowed instant communication across great distances


20 Describe the positive effects of the opening of the Erie Canal.
Improved transportation resulted in the exchange of goods and services more efficiently (cheaper and faster) The cost of shipping goods to and from the Midwest decreased People and goods could be transported faster and cheaper Cities developed along the canal



23 Explain one push factor and one pull factor increasing immigration to the U.S. in the 19th century.
Push Factors: Political instability Crop failure Pull Factors: Jobs in factories “American dream” Availability of land

24 What is this?

25 What are some negative effects of the Industrial Revolution?
Pollution Rising crime and diseases in growing cities Unsafe working conditions

26 Reform REVIEW

27 What caused many Americans to try to reform parts of society in the 1800s?
2nd Great Awakening Transcendentalism Materialism of IR


29 Where did women’s rights reformers meet in 1848?
Seneca Falls, NY

30 Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Name two 19th century women’s rights activists. Elizabeth Cady Stanton Lucretia Mott Susan B. Anthony

31 Describe the document written at the Seneca Falls Convention 1848.
Declaration of Sentiments A document outlining the rights that American women should be entitled to as citizens

32 Describe the temperance reform movement.
A reform movement in the 1800s that tried to reduce the consumption of alcohol





37 Describe the Abolition Movement.
the effort by many groups and individuals to end slavery in the United States

38 Describe William Lloyd Garrison’s contribution to the abolition movement.
Published The Liberator – a newspaper that called for the complete end to slavery by peaceful means

39 Describe Frederick Douglass’ contribution to the abolition movement.
Escaped slave who became a famous speaker and writer for the abolition movement Published the North Star

40 Describe John Brown’s contribution to the abolition movement.
Attacked an arsenal at Harper’s ferry trying to start a slave revolution Hanged for treason

41 Describe Uncle Tom’s Cabin and its contribution to the abolition movement.
Book published in 1852 that described the horrors of slavery Harriet Beacher Stowe


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