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Data dissemination practices

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1 Data dissemination practices
Maria RĂDULESCU Data dissemination and public relations 19-20 May 2009 Luxembourg

2 Coordonates of dissemination activities
1. Importance, necessity 2. Statistical products 3. Dissemination ways 4. Internet – current and future challenges - population and dwellings census database -1992, 2002 - metadata database - statistical classifications database

3 1. Importance, necessity dissemination  support for fulfill the statistical role  information of the society the production of statistical information is necessary for drawing socio-economic strategies assure the quality of statistics respect of dissemination timeliness simultan access to the statistical information for all categories of users improving the public’s access to the statistical information enlarging and diversifying of dissemination ways designing of IT tools for public access to statistical information

4 1. Importance, necessity - continue
maintaining the relations with mass-media – the main actor in data re-dissemination developing the statistical culture applying the EU legislations in dissemination field data dissemination in accordance with european regulations concerning statistical confidentiality concerns for public needs access for data and metadata via INTERNET

5 2. Statistical products Editorial plan for 2009 Statistical databases
- printed publications (102 titles) - electronic publications on the CD-Rom - by Statistical databases - population - industry (Pfind) - international trade (BEX) - statistical business register (REGIS) - commune level (BDL) - county level (BDJ) Internet - press releases - main statistical publications (monthly bulletins, yearbooks, pocketbooks) - DB TEMPO-online - DB of CPI - DB of sustainable development indicators htttp://

6 2. Statistical products - continue
TEMPO-online Result of interrogation

7 Tempo-online DB Designed: Oracle 10 g languages: Ro-En
contents: indicators selected from DBs - time series since 1990 - organised by themes and sub-themes coverage: National /Regions /Counties /Communes access: - free /payable - by account composed by address and password pay: - online by credit card - subscriptions: 1/6/12 months - for an ad-hoc interrogation metadata associated the interrogation results: - export in xls file - print

8 2. Statistical products - continue
CPI Application formulas of IR Result of interrogation

9 2. Statistical products - continue
metadata 2. Statistical products - continue Sustainable development indicators DB htttp:// data

10 3. Dissemination ways answering to customers’ requests
consultation room at NIS’s headquarter statistical territorial offices internet

11 3. Dissemination ways - continue
free of charge central and local administrative bodies mass-media channels academic world collaborators international organisations trade unions non-governmental organisations public payable business world

12 Structure of requests by themes, in 2008

13 Top 10 – the most accessed matrix
from Tempo-online (Apr Dec.2008) 1 Population 38036 2 Tourism 32652 3 Labor force 14060 4 Agriculture 11559 5 Public utilities 10501 6 National accounts 8919 7 Dwellings 8565 8 Unemployment 6509 9 CPI 5960 10 Industry 5672 SITE: number of hits in 2008 reached around thou which means an average of thou per month number of unique users identified by IP address was around thou in 2008 TEMPO-online: since its launching (April 16, 2007), Tempo-online, encountered over accesses (free+payable) accessed by users from 70 countries

14 4. Internet - current and future challenges
- Population and dwellings database (data for1992 and 2002) Aplication for querying the results of censuses from 1992 şi 2002: - population - dwellings - households - buildings Public modul Free access to a predefined set of tables. Free acces to a set of (10%) anonymised microdata  users can define themselves their own tables and send the request to the DB administrator for execution. Internal modul The DB administrator executes the querie defined by user by the whole set of microdata and send him the result of interrogation.

15 4. Internet – current and future challenges - continue
- Metadata database Free access Contents: organised by statistical themes description of statistical surveys definition of indicators data sources correlated indicators methodologies last update Querying the database by different criterias Links to TEMPO-online DB links to the fields from tempo db which contains metadata

16 4. Internet - current and future challenges - continue
- Statistical classifications’ database Server for national statistical classifications (SENIN) Free access for the public to: - statistical classifications and nomenclatures: NACE, CPSA, SIRUTA, PRODROM - structure of national classifications - explanatory notes for classifications’ entitites - methodologies used for defining of statistical classifications whitin national framework of classifications - links between national and international statistical classifications - information on specific cases of allocations or identifications for different classification’s entitites

17 Thank you for your attention!

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