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New kneading process giving consideration to starch damage

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1 New kneading process giving consideration to starch damage
W. Dintheer, TW3

2 Optimize utilization of raw materials. Optimize porcessing.
Optimize end product characteristics. Maintain constant quality. Improve traditional operating methods. W. Dintheer, TW3

3 W. Dintheer, TW3

4 W. Dintheer, TW3

5 W. Dintheer, TW3 Gluten % wet Ash% DM Protein% DM Fat % DM Water%
20 35 40 30 25 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Water% Gluten % wet Ash% DM Protein% DM Fat % DM Falling number Starch damage% Optimal particle size % 200 400 300 500 600 1.0 1.2 100 80 60 Ital. semolina CH table-grade sem. CH specialty sem. W. Dintheer, TW3

6 W. Dintheer, TW3

7 W. Dintheer, TW3

8 W. Dintheer, TW3

9 W. Dintheer, TW3

10 W. Dintheer, TW3

11 W. Dintheer, TW3

12 W. Dintheer, TW3

13 The durum mills have to meet the requirements of the pasta industry in respect of:
optimal yield low ash content minimum starch damage Starch damage exceeding 15 % will also result in mechanically induced gluten damage. Reground dry pasta must also be reduced by the proper process to a particle size smaller then 0,350 mm. W. Dintheer, TW3

14 Raw materials smaller than 0,350 mm can be easily and optimally processed within seconds into a homogeneous dough by means of the Polymatik extrusion press with a nicely formed protein framework without requiring intensive kneading. Due to short mixing and kneading times there is no decomposition of yellow pigments  more yellow products. W. Dintheer, TW3

15 When properly reduced fine semolinas are used, fines will not affect the pasta quality.
Mechanical gluten damage over 15 % results in a „non creation“ of the desired protein network which cannot be corrected even during drying process. Properly reduced semolinas with starch damage levels below 15 % will affect neither processing nor final product quality. W. Dintheer, TW3

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