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Elite Athlete Issues for Olympic Sport Athletes steve clar Karen Metzger Danielle Teetzel

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2 Elite Athlete Issues for Olympic Sport Athletes steve clar Karen Metzger Danielle Teetzel

3 Overview Elite Olympic Sport- Athlete
Can the student-athlete participate in promotional activities associated with the event? Are there academic requirements that need to be met? Can the student-athlete receive any benefits associated with participation? Are there any delayed enrollment issues? Will the student-athlete have any outside competition issues?

4 Delayed Enrollment (Bylaw

5 Delayed Enrollment Newly Adopted Legislation
Proposal Adds junior level equivalent competitions to the national/ international competition exception. Effective 8/1/2018. Bylaw Proposal An SA who remains enrolled from initial full-time enrollment in a collegiate institution to full-time enrollment at the certifying institution is not subject to the 20th birthday rule. Immediate effective date. Can be applied retroactively. Proposal Participation in organized competition during time in the armed services, on official religious missions or with recognized foreign aid services is exempt from the delayed enrollment legislation.

6 Delayed Enrollment Case Study
Subsequent to her grace period and prior to initial enrollment, an international water polo prospect competes for a club team in 8 “regular season” matches. Her country does not have a national team qualification system and has indicated it will evaluate the league matches for national team selection purposes. Do these eight matches trigger the national/international competition exception to the delayed enrollment legislation?

7 Delayed Enrollment Case Study Answer
The eight matches do not meet the exception and trigger the delayed enrollment legislation. Relief may be provided via an LRW if: The country’s national governing body asserts this is its only process for selecting national team participants. Bylaw

8 Promotional Activities Pre- and Post-Enrollment (Bylaw 12.5)

9 Promotional Activities General Rule (Bylaw
Pre-enrollment Permissible to endorse commercial entities and products. If athletically related, can receive up to actual and necessary expenses. Post-enrollment Not permissible to endorse a commercial entities or products.

10 Promotional Activities Case Study
A current golf student-athlete at Under Par University (D-I) is from the locale of UPU. She is well known in the local golf community as a prodigious junior golfer. She captured the conference championship and is a favorite for the NCAA individual title this spring. Following graduation, she will turn professional. The local chapter of the First Tee program would like the student-athlete to appear at a fundraiser and speak to attendees. Is this permissible? Can she be used by the First Tee to promote the fundraiser?

11 Promotional Activities Case Study - Answer
It is permissible for the student-athlete to attend and be used in the promotion of the fundraiser. (Bylaw )

12 Promotional Activities Other Applicable Legislation
Bylaw – Employment – National Team Practice and Competition Bylaw – Player Trading Cards Exception – Olympic/National Team Bylaw – Promotion of Olympics, World Championships, etc.

13 Academic Requirements (Bylaws 14.2, 14.4)

14 Less than full time (Bylaw 14.2)

15 Current Student-Athletes
P R A C T I C E Current Student-Athletes Only at own institution At the recommendation of the U.S. Olympic Committee/National Governing Body During the academic year preceding the Olympics Very fast overview here this used to be a waiver, but they were so frequently approved it was legislated. Maintain documentation of USOC/NGB recommendation Bylaw Cannot participate in coaching activities unless properly designated.

16 Former Student-Athletes
P R A C T I C E Former Student-Athletes At any institution, in individual sports and women’s rowing At the recommendation of the USOC/NGB Limited to two consecutive Olympic cycles Must be enrolled full- or –part time and making progress towards degree unless the SA has graduated Very fast overview here this used to be a waiver, but they were so frequently approved it was legislated. The individual may NOT coach unless properly designated. Maintain documentation of USOC/NGB recommendation Cannot participate in coaching activities unless properly designated. Bylaw

17 Waivers for Competition Less Than Full Time
Olympic Games Pan American Games World Championships World Cup World University Games World University Championships World Youth Championships Bylaw And junior levels of these events! Mention new legislation in bylaw 12 adding junior level events to delayed enrollment legislation Move quickly to case studies

18 Waivers are likely approvals for 6+ hours.
Less than six creates a progress-toward-degree deficiency. Competing while LTFT means the term counts for percentage. If you have a unique situation and a strong student, go ahead and make your argument for less than 6 hours (even zero) If the SA receives a LTFT waiver for competition, they are on the hook for the term for PTD Part-time student Division: I  Date Issued: September 17, 1987  Date Published: September 17, 1987  Item Ref: (9)  Interpretation: Considered the application of Case Nos. 266 and 293 and determined that a student-athlete who represents an institution in intercollegiate competition while enrolled in less than a full-time program of studies must be held accountable under such circumstances for all course work earned while enrolled as a part-time student for purposes of meeting the academic progress requirements of Bylaws 5-1-(j)-(8), (9) and (10) [junior college transfer provisions]. Bylaw


20 Progress-Towards-Degree Waivers
Conference administered. Prorate 9-hours towards credit-hour requirements. Does not extend to other progress-toward-degree requirements. Double check the event list!! Reminder that if the SA enrolls at all during the term, they’re on the hook for 6. AY? 18. Specifically list out the 6, 18, football 9 hour, and grad student 6 hour requirements. Reminder of why this doesn’t apply to 24-hour and % requirements. List differences between 14.2 and 14.4: 14.4 adds FIFA U-20 specifically 14.4 includes Official Olympic Tryouts and Official training programs that qualify participants for the Olympic tryouts Junior events not specifically listed are not included

21 Case Study #1 Olympics occurs late August.
First day of class is August 20. Olympians will miss the first week of school. LTFT practice during the preceding spring term? – Yes if it meets LTFT competition during the preceding spring term? – need a waiver; probably not PTD during the preceding spring term? – Conference waiver, probably if meets and (tryouts and training) LTFT practice during the fall term? – Yes. Apply on campus LTFT competition during the fall term? – Yes, need a PTD waiver PTD during the fall term? – Conference waiver – yes Give the swimming and wrestling examples for LTFT in the preceding term – national team is not selected until May or June, so all SA’s on these sports, even if they are “shoe-ins” are not yet on the national team.

22 Progress-Toward-Degree
Case Study #1 Less Than Full-Time Spring Practice? Spring Competition? Fall Practice? Fall Competition? Progress-Toward-Degree Spring Fall

23 Remember the PTD waiver.
Case Study #1 Less Than Full-Time Spring Practice? Yes if meets Spring Competition? Fall Practice? Yes if meets Fall Competition? Remember the PTD waiver. Progress-Toward-Degree Spring Conference waiver Fall LTFT practice during the preceding spring term? – Yes if it meets LTFT competition during the preceding spring term? – need a waiver; probably not PTD during the preceding spring term? – Conference waiver, probably if meets and (tryouts and training) LTFT practice during the fall term? – Yes. Apply on campus LTFT competition during the fall term? – Yes, need a PTD waiver PTD during the fall term? – Conference waiver – yes Give the swimming and wrestling examples for LTFT in the preceding term – national team is not selected until May or June, so all SA’s on these sports, even if they are “shoe-ins” are not yet on the national team.

24 Case Study #1 What if the Summer Olympics occurs late July and early August? Probably not for all Waivers may be granted in unique circumstances – extensive media tours for HP athletes for example Ask the question – there may be more flexibility here than there was in the past; will have to show how the Olympic participation that ended last month is preventing the SA from being academically successful in the subsequent fall term.

25 Case Study #2 The U-20 Women’s World Cup occurs in July.
The team must win CONCACAF in January to qualify for the world cup. SA is on that team and travelling internationally during spring to help qualify the team for the World Cup. Questions: LTFT practice during the spring term? LTFT competition during the spring term? PTD during the preceding spring term? LTFT practice during the spring term? Yes if it meets LTFT competition during the spring term? – Traditionally no, today - maybe PTD during the preceding spring term? - Conference waiver, probably if meets and (tryouts and training) Waivers historically were denied because the international competition did not occur during the term. Recently, some waivers for academically high performing SA’s to compete during non-championship seasons in this situation have been approved. COA SSAA is proposing legislation that would add the qualifying events to the legislation for approvable waivers: SA is on the team Team needs to compete internationally during the term to qualify Not for just training for the summer international competition Examples: soccer, softball, wrestling (where Team USA needs to qualify the weight and a current SA is on the World Team in that weight) Likely more applicable to team sports than individual sports, but it could happen in an individual sport such as wrestling

26 Progress-Toward-Degree
Case Study #2 Less Than Full Time Spring Practice? Spring Competition? Progress-Toward-Degree Spring LTFT practice during the spring term? Yes if it meets LTFT competition during the spring term? – Traditionally no, today - maybe PTD during the preceding spring term? - Conference waiver, probably if meets and (tryouts and training) Waivers historically were denied because the international competition did not occur during the term. Recently, some waivers for academically high performing SA’s to compete during non-championship seasons in this situation have been approved. COA SSAA is proposing legislation that would add the qualifying events to the legislation for approvable waivers: SA is on the team Team needs to compete internationally during the term to qualify Not for just training for the summer international competition Examples: soccer, softball, wrestling (where Team USA needs to qualify the weight and a current SA is on the World Team in that weight) Likely more applicable to team sports than individual sports, but it could happen in an individual sport such as wrestling

27 Progress-Toward-Degree
Case Study #2 Less Than Full-Time Spring Practice Yes if meets Spring Competition Progress-Toward-Degree Spring Conference Waiver LTFT practice during the spring term? Yes if it meets LTFT competition during the spring term? – Traditionally no, today - maybe PTD during the preceding spring term? - Conference waiver, probably if meets and (tryouts and training) Waivers historically were denied because the international competition did not occur during the term. Recently, some waivers for academically high performing SA’s to compete during non-championship seasons in this situation have been approved. COA SSAA is proposing legislation that would add the qualifying events to the legislation for approvable waivers: SA is on the team Team needs to compete internationally during the term to qualify Not for just training for the summer international competition Examples: soccer, softball, wrestling (where Team USA needs to qualify the weight and a current SA is on the World Team in that weight) Likely more applicable to team sports than individual sports, but it could happen in an individual sport such as wrestling


29 Competition Related Expenses From Outside Sources - General Rule
SAs may receive competition related expenses from outside sponsors. Related to national team tryouts or participation. Cannot be from an agent, booster, or professional sport organization. Must be related to a specific event. Or in preparation for that event. Bylaw

30 Competition Related Expenses Case Study – Question No. 1
Can a current student-athlete use name, image or likeness to crowdfund for competition-related expenses?

31 Competition Related Expenses Case Study – Question No. 2
Can the institution or its boosters promote, or donate to, the student-athlete’s crowdfunding effort (e.g., retweet, re-post, etc.)?

32 Competition Related Expenses Case Study - Answers
1. Yes, the SA can crowdfund for competition expenses. 2. The institution cannot promote or donate to the fundraiser. Otherwise, it will be intercollegiate competition.

33 Competition Related Expenses From the Institution - General Rule
Eligible student-athletes may receive expenses for other competitions listed in Bylaw 1. Established national championship events. 2. Olympic Games, Pan American Games, World Championships, World Cup, World University Games and World University Championships and direct qualifying competitions for these events. 3. National team tryout competitions.

34 Competition Related Expenses From the Institution - General Rule (Cont
Coaching activities are permitted with a student-athlete participating in events. [Bylaw ]

35 Questions for Consideration:
Competition Related Expenses From the Institution - General Rule (Cont.) Questions for Consideration: 1. How do you determine a regional or national championship? 2. How do you determine what is an appropriate qualifying event? 3. Can you provide on-campus room and board expenses outside the academic year?

36 Competition Related Expenses From the National Team - General Rule
As a national team member, it is permissible to receive: 1. Development training expenses from the USOC, an NGB or a governmental entity. 2. Nonmonetary awards and additional benefits (e.g., entertainment, equipment). 3. Any items offered by the USOC via the Operation Gold Grant program?

37 Outside Competition (Bylaw 17.31)

38 Outside Competition General Rule - Sports Other Than Basketball
A student-athlete who participates during the academic year as a member of any outside team in any noncollegiate, amateur competition becomes ineligible. A student-athlete is permitted to practice on an outside team at any time.

39 Outside Competition Exceptions – Sports Other Than Basketball
Sports Other Than Wrestling Outside declared playing and practice season during official vacation period. Outside team numerical limits apply. Wrestling Outside declared playing and practice season during official vacation period, except from beginning of academic year through November 1. Not more than five wrestling student-athletes from any one institution. Soccer, Women’s Volleyball, Field Hockey and Men’s Water Polo Not earlier than May 1. Outside team numerical limits apply to soccer, women’s volleyball and field hockey. Athletics director approval. No missed class time. Doubles women’s outdoor volleyball tournaments.

40 Outside Competition Exceptions- Sports Other Than Basketball (Cont.)
Women’s Ice Hockey Conference All-Star Competition Against U.S. National Team Fencing USA Fencing National Championship

41 Outside Competition Exceptions- Sports Other Than Basketball (Cont.)
Pre-season tryouts. Competition as individual/Not representing institution. Exempt teams.

42 Outside Competition Exceptions – All Sports
Olympic Games Official Pan American Games Tryouts and Competition U.S. National Teams Official World Championship, World University Games, World University Championships and World Cup Tryouts and Competition Multisport Events

43 Outside Competition Case Study – Question No. 1
A swimming student-athlete qualified for a national championship event which will occur during the academic year. May this student-athlete participate in the event? During a time when the exception cannot be used.

44 Outside Competition Applicable Legislation and Interpretation
U.S. National Teams. Official tryouts and competition. Sponsored by appropriate national governing body. Bylaw – (d) January 15, 2009 Official Interpretation

45 Outside Competition Case Study – Answer No. 1
The student-athlete may participate in the event as long as the competition meets the U.S. National Team exception. Bylaw

46 Outside Competition Case Study – Question No. 2
May the institution’s coach provide coaching to the student-athlete in preparation for the event and during the actual event?

47 Outside Competition Legislation/Educational Column
Bylaw Playing Season – Athletically Related Activities. Only time when countable athletically related activities is permitted. Bylaw and Coach may engage in coaching activities when a student-athlete participates in activities that meet Bylaw August 11, 2015, Official Interpretation

48 Outside Competition Case Study - Answer No. 2
Institution’s coach may engage in coaching activities with the student-athlete DURING actual participation in the event. Institution’s coach may not engage in coaching activities in preparation for the event unless: Coach is selected as national team coach; or Coaching occurs during playing and practice season as declared by the institution.

49 Elite Student-Athletes Additional Items For Your Consideration
Conversations should begin during recruitment. Two-years (or more) cycle for Olympic athletes. Coaches also want to participate in elite events. As coaches or athletes.

50 Questions

51 We Want Your Feedback Rate this session using the survey on the Regional Rules Seminar app. Your input is important.

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