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Abate – Verisimilitude

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1 Abate – Verisimilitude
Grade 1o Vocab Unit 1 Abate – Verisimilitude 20 WORDS

2 Word: Abate Definition: to subside, to lessen Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: After three weeks of intense reading, writing, and studying, the amount of work in the class finally abated.

3 Word: Ambiguous Definition: unclear, open to multiple interpretations Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: Whether the graphic shows a vase or two faces is ambiguous because both interpretations are valid.

4 Word: Atheist Definition: a person who lacks belief in the existence of higher beings Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: Lisa identifies herself as an atheist because she does not believe in the existences of a God or gods.

5 Word: Bona fide Definition: genuine, real Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: Only bona fide, official documents are permissible in court as evidence. Only bona fide executives of the company are give access to confidential documents.

6 Word: Capricious Definition: unpredictable Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: The weather during the summer is often capricious; one moment the sun is out and the next a thunderstorm occurs.

7 Word: Concord Definition: harmony, agreement Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: -After some debate, the company’s executives reached a state of concord about the best way to proceed.

8 Word: Deference Definition: respect Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: The people of England show their deference to the queen by bowing in greeting to her.

9 Word: Emulate Definition: to imitate Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: Karen’s little sister emulates everything she does because she wants to be just like her.

10 Word: FIDELITY Definition: loyalty Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: Jack’s fidelity to his college was evident; he attended the sporting events and donated to the school years after he graduated.

11 Word: Fickle Definition: frequently changing one’s mind (loyalties, interests, or affections) Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: Jenny’s friends accuse her of being fickle; she changes her interests and the way she acts depending upon the people she is with at the moment.

12 Word: Impugn Definition: to attack Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: The professor impugned the student’s integrity when he accused her of cheating.

13 Word: Lampoon Definition: to satirize, to mock Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: Many comedians lampoon well-known public figures on late night TV shows.

14 Word: Morose Definition: gloomy, sullen Part of Speech: adj Example Sentence: Katrina’s constantly morose attitude makes it hard to hang out with her because she’s never happy or excited about anything.

15 Word: Patronize Definition: to treat as inferior Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: The professor is not well-respected because he patronizes his students and acts egotistically smart instead of helping them learn.

16 Word: PREEMPT Definition: to take action to prevent something from happening Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: Tom preempted his firing by quitting before his boss could tell him to pack up his things.

17 Word: QUIXOTIC Definition: idealistic to a foolish degree Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: The Northeastern hockey team had quixotic hopes that they would beat BC to win the Beanpot. BC easily beat them in the finals.

18 Word: Sanguine Definition: cheerful, optimistic Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: Karen has a sanguine personality. She always finds the positive of every situation.

19 Word: Subversive Definition: seeking to disrupt an established system, troublemaking Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: The anti-government group posted subversive comments on the Internet with the purpose of trying to start a rebellion.

20 Word: Transgress Definition: to violate Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: The criminal transgressed the law by stealing.

21 Word: Verisimilitude Definition: looking like the real thing/appearance of the truth Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: The verisimilitude between the computer generated background of New York City on the movie set in California and the actual skyline of NYC was remarkable.

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