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Updated: April 21, 2010 Comparison of Internet Access Options How to Compare, Shop for, Choose The best Internet Access option for your needs.

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Presentation on theme: "Updated: April 21, 2010 Comparison of Internet Access Options How to Compare, Shop for, Choose The best Internet Access option for your needs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Updated: April 21, 2010 Comparison of Internet Access Options How to Compare, Shop for, Choose The best Internet Access option for your needs

2 Updated: April 21, 2010 Persimmon Telecommunications Brings together a team of experts to help you make the best choice for your Telecommunications services Cost Effective Connections

3 Updated: April 21, 2010 Joe Budelis Harvard PhD in Decision & Control 30 years experience Areas: Project Management, IT, Analysis, Telecommunications Long Term Positions: –Mobil Corporation –Morgan Stanley Dean Witter –, Telarus, Commission River

4 Updated: April 21, 2010 What we bring to you Telecommunications expertise Consulting services –We help you find the best option(s) for your Telecommunications needs –We assist you with questions or issues that arise during setup & during the contract term –We provide an independent, unbiased, complimentary comparison of options; carriers pay us a commission instead of hiring more employees with benefits, health care, etc.

5 Updated: April 21, 2010 Specialties DSL, T1, DS3, Ethernet, OC3 and Fixed Wireless lines –Fractional, Full, Bonded, Point-to-Point Ts –Data, Voice and Integrated Ts VPN and MPLS services Phone Service –Local and Long Distance Voice T1s and PRIs –Local and Long Distance POTS –Toll Free Service –VoIP –SIP Trunking –Cell Phone Service Audio, Web & Video Conferencing Domain Registration, Web hosting & Cloud Computing Fax Services

6 Updated: April 21, 2010 You Heard about me Tell me what you wish to learn 1.Personal or Serious Business Interest? 2.How many of you use a)Dialup? b)DSL? c)Cable? d)Satellite? e)T1? f)Other? 3.How many different Internet Access methods are available at your location?

7 Updated: April 21, 2010 Some Internet Access Options 1.Dialup 2.DSL – ADSL, IDSL, SDSL 3.Cable – very variable as a function of neighbours usage 4.FiOS – What other service is this most like? 5.Satellite 6.Fixed Wireless – 3G, 4G 7.Fixed Wireless – Microwave 8.T1 9.Fast Ethernet – Pure, EoC, EoDS1, EoDS3 10.DS3 11.OC3 - OCx 12.GigE

8 Updated: April 21, 2010 Internet Access Options 1.Typically, several carriers offer DSL to each eligible location 2.Cable – probably only one provider in area 3.Satellite – couple providers 4.3G Fixed Wireless – several providers 5.4G Fixed Wireless – limited, growing availability 6.Microwave Fixed Wireless – may or may not be available from one or more providers 7.T1 – always available usually from wide choice of providers 8.Fast Ethernet – may or may not be available from one or more providers 9.DS3 – always available but may require buildout 10.OC3 - OCx – more likely to require buildout 11.GigE – more likely to require buildout

9 Updated: April 21, 2010 Internet Access Availability 1.DSL – Dependent on distance from CO (Telephone Company Central Office), on quality of wiring, and on facilities at CO 2.Easy to understand cable service is not available if cable is not run to your building likewise for FiOS 3.3G Fixed Wireless – most areas of USA are covered by at least one carrier 4.4G Fixed Wireless – very limited areas have availability today but areas growing rapidly 5.Microwave Fixed Wireless – depends on your being in line of sight of a fixed wireless antenna 6.T1, DS3, OCx – always available usually from wide choice of providers; pricing depends on which CO you are connected to and sometimes on distance from the CO 7.Fast Ethernet – depends on whether building is lit or for EoC, EoDS1 and EoDS3 whether facilities are in place at CO and distance from CO 8.GigE – depends on whether building is lit

10 Updated: April 21, 2010 Bandwidth (i.e. speed) Is it the most important characteristic? Will a. or b. in the comparisons below provide better service? a.6 Mbps x 2 Mbps cable connection b.3 Mbps x 768 Kbps DSL connection a.3 Mbps x 768 Kbps DSL connection b.1.5 Mbps x 1.5 Mbps DSL connection a.3 Mbps x 768 Kbps DSL connection b.1.5 Mbps x 1.5 Mbps T1 connection

11 Updated: April 21, 2010 Reliability SLA (Service Level Agreement) Up Time MTTR (Mean Time To Repair) Bottom Line – If a business is critically dependent on the connection, its often a no brainer to pay the additional amount required for T1, DS3, or Ethernet type services

12 Updated: April 21, 2010 Bandwidth Consistency Typically cable has the worse bandwidth consistency DSL, 3G Fixed Wireless and FiOS are next – the saving factor with FiOS is that the bandwidth is so much greater than needed that after a huge decrease in bandwidth, there may still be enough left Microwave Fixed Wireless is between 3G Fixed Wireless and T1 – often comparable to T1 bandwidth consistency T1, DS3, OCx and Ethernet have the best

13 Updated: April 21, 2010 Latency, Packet Loss and Jitter Do you care? Yes, if you are transmitting audio (e.g. VoIP) or video, or playing on-line games For Email and batch file transfer, these dont matter SLAs for T1, DS3, OCx and Ethernet services usually provide pretty good latency, packet loss and jitter guarantees

14 Updated: April 21, 2010 This Presentation is available on my web site at: To reach that URL, Google T1Service Normally, is near the top of the results. In the first paragraph, click on Comparison of Cable, DSL and T1 Internet Access. The link to these slides is in the first paragraph.

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