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Hinduism & Buddhism.

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Presentation on theme: "Hinduism & Buddhism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hinduism & Buddhism

2 Hinduism

3 A single force in the universe, a form of ultimate reality or God
Hinduism Brahman A single force in the universe, a form of ultimate reality or God

4 Reincarnation Each soul is reborn in a different form after death
Hinduism Reincarnation Each soul is reborn in a different form after death

5 Reincarnation

6 Hinduism Karma The force of a person’s actions in this life determine his or her rebirth in the next

7 Hinduism

8 Hinduism Dharma Divine law

9 Siva (Shiva) the Destroyer
Hinduism More than 33,000 deities Three chief deities: Brahma the Creator Vishnu the Preserver Siva (Shiva) the Destroyer

10 Buddhism

11 Buddhism Siddhartha Guatama

12 Buddhism Ascetics People who practiced self-denial as a way of achieving an understanding of ultimate reality

13 Buddhism Nirvana Ultimate reality – the end of ‘self’ and a reunion in life with the Great World Soul

14 Buddhism—Siddhartha Sitting Under the Bodhi Tree

15 Buddhism Bodhi or Bodhu – Wisdom

16 Buddhism The Four Noble Truths Life means suffering.
The origin of suffering is attachment. The cessation of suffering is attainable. The path to the cessation of suffering is the Middle Path.

17 The Middle Path of the Eightfold Path
Buddhism The Middle Path of the Eightfold Path Right View Right Intention Right Speech Right Action Right Livelihood Right Effort Right Mindfulness Right Concentration

18 Buddhism

19 Buddhism

20 Similarities Between Hinduism and Buddhism
On Reincarnation Buddhism : Buddhism believes in the process of reincarnation based on deeds of the present life. Hinduism : Hinduism also believes that everyone is a part of an impersonal world and therefore, one's soul reincarnates into another body of any being, based on the deeds of the present life.

21 Similarities Between Hinduism and Buddhism
On Salvation Buddhism : One has to work for salvation oneself and therefore, cannot blame others for the same. The salvation depends on the good deeds of a person. Hinduism : In Hinduism also, one attains salvation as per one's own fate and deeds. There are four paths or four yogas to attain salvation : Karma Yoga - Way of good works, Bhakti Yoga - Way of love and faith, Jnana Yoga - Way of knowledge, and Raja Yoga – Way of salvation.

22 Similarities Between Hinduism and Buddhism
On Enlightenment Buddhism and Hinduism : Both of them believe that there are many paths to attain enlightenment such as overcoming through your feelings and desires and controlling over the six conscious senses.

23 Similarities Between Hinduism and Buddhism
On Sufferings Buddhism and Hinduism : Both the schools of thought believe that excessive attachment to things and people in the physical world causes pain and suffering. Therefore, we must get ourselves free from the illusions of 'Maya' or worldly desires.

24 Differences Between Hinduism And Buddhism
On God Buddhism : The original Buddhist doctrine does not entail any godly figures, though the later Buddhist sects introduced some Godly figures. Hinduism : The Hindus believe in 300,000 Gods

25 Differences Between Hinduism And Buddhism
On Rituals Buddhism : Buddhism do follow some rituals but only in the form of meditation, and bowing and different forms of worship while offering prayer in the Buddhist temples. Buddhist practices also do not require any priests. Hinduism : The rituals, being followed by the Hindus are more complex and vary from birth to death of a person. Besides, priests do play important role in all the rituals.

26 Differences Between Hinduism And Buddhism
On Caste System Buddhism : There are four major sub sects in Buddhism, but none of them follow the caste system. Hinduism : On the contrary, there are a number of castes and sub-castes in Hinduism, and the Hindus follow them rigidly.

27 Differences Between Hinduism And Buddhism
On Asceticism Buddhism : As the middle way, Buddhism rejects extreme asceticism as well as great wealth. Hinduism : Most of the Hindus believe in extreme asceticism.

28 Differences Between Hinduism And Buddhism
On Vedas Buddhism : The Buddhists do not believe in the Vedas. Rather they firmly believe in the teachings of the Lord Buddha and the Buddhist scriptures. Hinduism : Hinduism believes in the supremacy of four Vedas - Rigveda, Samveda, Yajurveda and Atharvaveda.

29 Differences Between Hinduism And Buddhism
On Stages of Life Buddhism : The Buddhists do not believe in the stages of life. People can join any of the stages any time depending upon their spiritual preparedness. Hinduism : The Hindus believe in the four stages of life, also known as the 'ashramas' - Brahamacharya Ashram or Student life, Grihastha Ashram or family life, Vanprastha Ashram or the age at which a person leaves all the worldly desire and home, and Sanyasa Ashram - when a person meditates and awaits for the ultimate truth, death.

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