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Cranial Nerves.

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1 Cranial Nerves

2 Cranial Nerves ___________________
Indicated by Roman numerals I-XII from anterior to posterior May have one or more of 3 functions _______________________________ __________________________________ Parasympathetic (regulation of glands, smooth muscles, cardiac muscle) Fig

3 Cranial Nerves _____________ Optic (II) Oculomotor (III)
Trigeminal (V) Facial (VII) ___________________ Also known as auditory Glossopharyngeal (IX) Accessory (XI) Also known as spinal accessory __________________

4 Mnemonic Aids for Cranial Nerves
______________________________________________________________ Olfactory, Optic, Oculomotor, Trochlear, Trigeminal, Abducens, Facial, Vestibulocochlear, Glossopharyngeal,Vagus, Spinal Accessory (Accessory), Hypoglossal

5 Mnemonic Aids for Sensory and /or Motor Functions of Cranial Nerves
_________________________________________________________________________________ The first letter of each word signifies whether the particular cranial nerve is sensory only (S); motor (M); or both sensory and motor (B)

6 Cranial Nerves Olfactory (I) Optic (II) Oculomotor (III) _____________
_____________________________________ Parasympathetic (constriction of pupil, movement of lens)

7 Cranial Nerves Trochlear (IV) Trigeminal (V) Abducens (VI)
_________________ Trigeminal (V) Sensory (face, nasal cavity, cheeks, lips, skin of mandible) Motor (_______________________________________________) Abducens (VI) ___________

8 Cranial Nerves Vestibulocochlear (VIII) Glossopharyngeal (IX)
Facial (VII) ______________ _________ (facial muscles, posterior belly of digastric) Parasympathetic (salivary glands, glands of nasal cavity) Vestibulocochlear (VIII) Sensory _____________________ Glossopharyngeal (IX) Sensory __________________________________ Motor (___________________) Parasympathetic (salivary gland, glands of tongue)

9 Cranial Nerves Accessory (XI) Hypoglossal (XII) Vagus (X)
Sensory (taste, back of mouth, larynx, thoracic and abdominal organs) Motor (__________________________) Parasympathetic (thoracic and abdominal organs) Accessory (XI) ____________ (sternocleidomastoid, trapezius) Hypoglossal (XII) Motor _______________

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