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Quiz What is Kit’s real name?

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Presentation on theme: "Quiz What is Kit’s real name?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Quiz What is Kit’s real name?
What is the plan to protect Kit from Sir Philip if he attends a play in the future? Who is the yellow gentleman? What is Peter and Kit’s plan to get the play back? Why does Peter need half a dozen daggers?

2 Chapter 11 - Review

3 What is Kit’s real name?

4 Who is the yellow gentleman and why does Peter give him that name?

5 Quote at least one sentence from this chapter in which the reader is reminded that Sir Philip Morton will again enter the plot.

6 “Treason on Thames-Side”
Chapter 12

7 Revelers (p. 132): people who are having a noisy, good time

8 Painter (p. 132): a rope usually fastened to the bow of a boat

9 Precariously (p. 132): dangerously

10 Scaffold (p. 135): a raised platform on which criminals are executed

11 Cutpurse (p. 136): a thief

12 Incriminating (p. 137): evidence that points towards guilt

13 Summary Peter uses his daggers to climb up the wall of the Yellow Gentleman’s house. He overhears a conversation inside. Sir Philip, the Queen and being executed are mentioned. They are up to no good! Kit bangs on the door and distracts the men. They go to help her and Peter goes in the room and grabs the play. Peter gets back in the boat but makes a noise which alerts the Yellow Gentleman to his presence. Peter pretends to be two people to disarm suspicion. Peter and Kit get back to their room and look at the script. One part is underlined and a poem has been written on the back on one page.

14 Questions Whose name does Peter hear being discussed by the yellow gentleman? How does Katherine help distract the men? What was Peter excited to see half hidden under a stack of letter? How does Peter avoid suspicion when the yellow gentleman sees the boat tied below the window? Kit suspects treason. Give evidence supporting her claims. What is the Queen’s opinion of Sir Philip? What is Sir Philip’s opinion of the Queen? Identify an instance of foreshadowing in this chapter.

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