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AP Human Geography Agenda for Monday, November 7

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1 AP Human Geography Agenda for Monday, November 7
Socrative (Room # DA53E16C) Rdg QUIZ text pages Lecture NOTES (p63) How do power relationships subjugate certain groups of people? Subjugation Walkabout (p64) RTE (p65) Text pages

2 Power Relationships and Subjugation
Chapter 5 Section 3 Text pages Power Relationships and Subjugation

3 Power Relationships Assumptions and structures about who is in control, who has power over others Impact cultural landscape If you see numerous buildings for a single religion in an area what does this say about power structure? If you see statues and memorials which only reference a single race of people what does this say about power structures? If you see gang graffiti crossed out and graphitized over multiple times what does this say about power structures? Can subjugate groups

4 Where We Live What does this statue and the city that it’s in say about power relationships between Native Americans and whites?

5 How People are Subjugated
De jure discrimination Discrimination by law De facto discrimination Discrimination by fact Examples: It’s illegal for women to drive cars in Saudi Arabia and social norms prevent them from talking with certain people Jim Crowe era in the United States

6 Segregation in the US

7 Calculating Power Census Gross National Income (GNI)
Measures $ value of things produced inside the U.S. and investment Does not take into account some jobs and work in the country Formal economic activity Work or activity measured by common metrics like GNI Informal economic activity Work or activity not measured by common metrics like GNI

8 Economics and Power When economies are doing well, ethnic groups are generally more accepted When economies are doing poorly these same groups are less accepted How we measure economic success can also disenfranchise certain groups within society Illegal immigrant labor Migrant labor People paid “under the table”

9 Women and Power Women are often underrepresented by GNI
Many women around the world perform domestic or side work that is not included in GNI Most poor women in the world work in the informal sector making soap cooking food beer brewing tailoring farming

10 Pink Collar Jobs Pink Collar Jobs What are some Pink Collar Jobs?
Jobs typically seen as women’s jobs What are some Pink Collar Jobs? How does this decrease women’s power?

11 India Tradition of dowry Dowry Deaths Infanticide
families receive payments from the bride’s parents Dowry Deaths father doesn’t pay the bride price to son- in-law’s parents and they kill the bride. Infanticide Prenatal Gender Detection: ultrasound and amniocentesis, July 1994, Federal Law prohibiting pre-natal tests solely to determine sex of the fetus. Black market emerged for prenatal testing

12 Female Genitalia Mutilation (FGM)
2 million girls under the age of 11 every year infection infertility increased difficulties in childbirth Africa, Southeast Asia, Middle East, Central and South America Somalia: 70-90% subjected to FGM

13 Fundamentalist Islamic Law
resurgence of fundamentalism severe Sharia Laws can’t go without veils or move without men Afghanistan under the Taliban no girls in schools traditional clothing no music, no celebrations women stoned for adultery women couldn’t hold jobs

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