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© A. Nazif, January 2004 Government Leaders Forum H. E. Dr. Ahmed Nazif CIT Minister, Egypt The Egyptian Experience.

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Presentation on theme: "© A. Nazif, January 2004 Government Leaders Forum H. E. Dr. Ahmed Nazif CIT Minister, Egypt The Egyptian Experience."— Presentation transcript:

1 © A. Nazif, January 2004 Government Leaders Forum H. E. Dr. Ahmed Nazif CIT Minister, Egypt The Egyptian Experience

2 © A. Nazif, January 2004 Government Leaders Forum In September 1999, President Mubarak announced the creation of a national program for technology development In January 2000, the cabinet approved a national plan for CIT and mandated the new ministry of communications and information technology to execute it.

3 © A. Nazif, January 2004 Government Leaders Forum Building our Information Society. Increasing Exports.

4 © A. Nazif, January 2004 Government Leaders Forum What the technology provides with What the society needs Can Technology Deliver ? Yes, IF We Can Match:

5 © A. Nazif, January 2004 Government Leaders Forum Fixed Lines MobileTerminalsStorage WWW O/S DBsAPPLICATIONS Wireless

6 © A. Nazif, January 2004 Government Leaders Forum ACCESS E-Health E-Gov E-Culture E-Business E-Learning INFORMATION SOCIETY

7 © A. Nazif, January 2004 Government Leaders Forum

8 © A. Nazif, January 2004 Government Leaders Forum 4.9 million new lines since October 1999

9 © A. Nazif, January 2004 Government Leaders Forum No. of subscribers, million The number of subscribers increased more than eight folds since October 1999

10 © A. Nazif, January 2004 Government Leaders Forum Providing dial-up internet access on every Operational phone-line country wide. A revenue-sharing model between Telecom-Egypt & the Internet Service Providers. $ 0.15/hr of internet usage at home. 939500 of individual phone lines dialing up to the net.

11 © A. Nazif, January 2004 Government Leaders Forum International internet traffic increased from 20 Mb/s to 1148 Mb/s in 4 years No. of Internet Users Million

12 © A. Nazif, January 2004 Government Leaders Forum TE offers PCs to its subscribers through CR outlets. Payment in monthly installments $15/$17/$20 models financed by the banking sector. Bundling of ready made s/w applications. 17 companies providing local assembly of PCs. Market stimulation arises interest in local manufacturing.

13 © A. Nazif, January 2004 Government Leaders Forum Government subsidized internet cafés To date, there are 618 clubs. Created in youth centers, public libraries, schools & NGOs. Focusing on deprived and low income communities. To-date, more than 100,000 citizens visit the clubs regularly.

14 © A. Nazif, January 2004 Government Leaders Forum

15 © A. Nazif, January 2004 Government Leaders Forum A citizen-centric government portal Government Gateway An access point to services from multiple government agencies. A single reliable and secure engine (Authentication, Routing, Payment). Citizen Centric, Investor Focused Interface

16 © A. Nazif, January 2004 Government Leaders Forum On-line Government Services New financial instruments for payment of services delivered over the web (prepaid cards, COD). A complete range of services to investors –Tax Filing Follow-up & Exports Information System. A series of citizen services –Birth Certificates, National IDs, Telephone and Electric billing & Car License renewal. Delivery of documents to home/office (Egypt Post).

17 © A. Nazif, January 2004 Government Leaders Forum Information and Document Workflow Secure and seamless flow of information and documents. A Step towards automation and paperless government. Support the new model for delivering government services Online. Designed to securely link all government bodies internally through an intranet system, and externally to the internet.

18 © A. Nazif, January 2004 Government Leaders Forum More Automation of Internal Functions ERP –Financial Systems (Budget and Accounting) –Procurement and Inventory –Personnel (Human Resources and payroll) Document Archiving and Workflow Business Process –Courts, District Attorney s office, Work Permit, … –28 projects in cooperation with different government agencies –Citizen services at the municipalities (Safaga, Sharq district in Alex..) Positive impact on the services provision projects

19 © A. Nazif, January 2004 Government Leaders Forum Basic Skills Development. Professional Development. The Smart Schools Initiative. High Tech / Business Universities.

20 © A. Nazif, January 2004 Government Leaders Forum Telemedicine Visual inspection and diagnosis by a distant specialist. Immediate electronic transfer of medical imagery, pathological biopsy and lab results. Smart Health records Preventive care. Family planning. Medical history.

21 © A. Nazif, January 2004 Government Leaders Forum Historical sites Natural protectorates Museums Manuscripts Using IT to preserve our rich cultural heritage and share it more readily with the rest of the world.

22 © A. Nazif, January 2004 Government Leaders Forum E-legislation ( E-signature – Cyber crime – Taxation – Arbitration ). A certificate authority and a public key system. On-line banking and E-Payment. Promoting IT in SMEs.

23 © A. Nazif, January 2004 Government Leaders Forum

24 © A. Nazif, January 2004 Government Leaders Forum Transforming ARENTO into Telecom Egypt by law 19 for the year 1998. Establishment of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority by presidential decree number 101 for the year 1998. A new telecommunication law that promotes: Transparency in licensing. Phased deregulation of services. Establishment of a universal fund to accelerate tariff rebalance.

25 © A. Nazif, January 2004 Government Leaders Forum Source: The General Authority For Investment & Free Zones

26 © A. Nazif, January 2004 Government Leaders Forum

27 © A. Nazif, January 2004 Government Leaders Forum A high tech business park with Smart infrastructure, investor friendly services and investment incentives. 300 acres (20 minutes from downtown Cairo, 10 minutes from the great pyramids). 53 office plots (336 000 sq.m. of office space). Business center Conference center Exhibition center Press center Recreational facilities Health center Hotel Shopping and restaurants Developed and operated by private investors

28 © A. Nazif, January 2004 Government Leaders Forum Government Agreement School Agreement Campus Agreement Affordable PC Student PC Initiative Partners Academy FGF Technical Training.Net University Program

29 © A. Nazif, January 2004 Government Leaders Forum Establishing / expanding regional training centers to qualify next generation engineers. Foster co-operation with local companies to increase value added. (ex. Local switches & cables currently match international standards). Participating in setting research centers & contributing to public and private universities ( US, French, German & British universities). Establishing centers of competence to create awareness for new technologies (ex. IP and 3G).

30 © A. Nazif, January 2004 Government Leaders Forum Egypt … The Cradle of Civilization is Quickly Becoming the Center for IT and Telecommunications in the Middle East and North Africa This presentation is available at

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