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Vocabulary Level F Unit 9.

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1 Vocabulary Level F Unit 9

2 abate After the rain abates, the baseball game will resume.
(verb) to make less in amount, degree, etc.; to subside, become less; to nullify; to deduct, omit SYN: diminish, decrease, subside, let up ANT: intensify, increase, magnify, wax After the rain abates, the baseball game will resume.

3 adulation (noun) praise or flattery that is excessive SYN: adoration,
idolization, hero-worship ANT: ridicule, derision, scorn, odium Professional athletes are often too immature to handle the adulation of their fans.

4 anathema The inability of both political parties to stop
(noun) an object of intense dislike; a curse or strong denunciation (often used adjectivally without the article) SYN: malediction, imprecation, abomination ANT: benediction, blessing The inability of both political parties to stop spending is anathema to most Americans.

5 astute It was very astute of you to arrange an
(adjective) shrewd, crafty, showing practical wisdom SYN: shrewd, acute, sagacious, judicious, wily ANT: obtuse, doltish, empty-headed, dumb It was very astute of you to arrange an interview with the CEO of the company.

6 avarice (noun) a greedy desire, particularly for wealth SYN: cupidity,
rapacity, acquisitiveness Tom Walker’s avarice for money proved to be his undoing.

7 culpable (adjective) deserving blame, worthy of condemnation
SYN: guilty, delinquent, peccant, blameworthy ANT: blameless, innocent, laudable, meritorious

8 dilatory (adjective) tending to delay or procrastinate, not
prompt; intended postpone SYN: stalling, slow, tardy, laggard ANT: prompt, punctual, speedy, expeditious It is never a good idea to be dilatory in filing your taxes!

9 egregious (adjective) conspicuous, standing out from the mass (used
particularly in an unfavorable sense) SYN: glaring, flagrant, blatant ANT: unnoticeable, paltry, piddling It was senseless to foul in such an egregious manner with only seconds left on the clock.

10 equivocate Politicians often equivocate on issues
(verb) to speak or act in such a way that allows for more than one interpretation; to be deliberately vague or ambiguous SYN: to talk out of both sides of one’s mouth, palter, hedge ANT: to speak one’s mind plainly XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Politicians often equivocate on issues in order to please both sides.

11 evanescent (adjective) vanishing, soon passing away; light and airy
SYN: ephemeral, transient, transitory ANT: everlasting, immortal, imperishable

12 irresolute (adjective) unable to make up one’s mind, hesitating
SYN: indecisive, vacillating, wavering ANT: determined, decisive, unwavering My friend is always irresolute when it comes to choosing a movie, so we always choose for her.

13 nebulous When the street signs began to appear nebulous, I knew it was
(adjective) cloudlike, resembling a cloud; cloudy in color, not transparent; vague, confused, indistinct SYN: hazy, fuzzy, cloudy, vague, murky, opaque, indeterminate ANT: definite, distinct, clear, sharply focused When the street signs began to appear nebulous, I knew it was time to have my eyes checked.

14 novice No one wants to ride with a novice driver. (noun) one who is
just a beginner at some activity requiring skill and experience (also used adjectivally) SYN: neophyte, tyro, trainee, apprentice ANT: veteran, past master, pro, expert No one wants to ride with a novice driver.

15 penury Many of Charles Dickens’ characters (noun) extreme poverty;
barrenness, insufficiency SYN: destitution, want, indigence ANT: affluence, abundance, luxury, opulence Many of Charles Dickens’ characters began life in a state of penury, only to reach affluence in later life.

16 pretentious (adjective) done for show, striving to make a big
impression; claiming merit or position unjustifiably; making demands on one’s skill or abilities, ambitious SYN: inflated, ostentatious, affected ANT: unassuming, unaffected, modest

17 recapitulate (verb) to review a series of facts; to sum up
SYN: review, summarize, sum up, go over

18 resuscitate (verb) to revive, bring back to consciousness or existence
SYN: revitalize, reanimate, restore, reactivate

19 slovenly (adjective) untidy, dirty, careless SYN: unkempt, slatternly,
slipshod, lax ANT: neat, tidy, careful, meticulous It is no wonder that he could not find his project in his slovenly work space.

20 supposition (noun) something that is assumed or taken for
granted without conclusive evidence SYN: assumption, presumption, hypothesis Don’t make suppositions about people before you get to know them.

21 torpid (adjective) inactive, sluggish, dull SYN: sluggish,
lethargic, otiose, languid ANT: energetic, dynamic, vigorous The room was so hot and muggy that we all began to feel torpid as we worked on our assignment.

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