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Law Society of Scotland Survey of members 2017

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1 Law Society of Scotland Survey of members 2017

2 Background The aim of the research was to explore members’ perceptions of the Society, the service it provides and its priorities for the future. Where relevant, comparisons were made with perceptions and attitudes from previous waves of the survey (conducted annually from 2011 to 2016). Members were selected from a database provided by the Society using stratified random sampling. Interviews were conducted by telephone between 4th December and 19th December 2017. In total, 643 interviews were achieved. Weighting was applied to the data to ensure it was representative of the membership population as a whole.

3 Member priorities for the Society

4 Regulatory functions are again considered to be the highest priorities overall
I’m going to read out some areas in which the Society represents the legal profession. For each of these can you please tell me how much of a priority for the Society you think these should be? Base: All respondents Source: Ipsos MORI

5 Two thirds of members think that investigating conduct complaints should be a high priority
For each of these can you please tell me how much of a priority for the Society you think these should be? - Investigating conduct complaints against solicitors and prosecuting cases to the discipline tribunal High priority – highest responses % Big firm 75% In-house private 73% In-house public 70% Base: All respondents Source: Ipsos MORI

6 Just over half of members think that protecting the legal aid budget should be a high priority
For each of these can you please tell me how much of a priority for the Society you think these should be? -Protecting the legal aid budget and representing those solicitors working in legal aid High priority – highest responses % Legal aid 87% Trainee 72% High street 71% Base: All respondents Source: Ipsos MORI

7 A quarter think that think that tackling conveyancing issues should be a priority
For each of these can you please tell me how much of a priority for the Society you think these should be? - Tackling conveyancing issues with banks and other lending institutions High priority – highest responses % High street 41% Partner/director 37% Low priority – highest responses % In-house private 34% In-house public 33% Base: All respondents Source: Ipsos MORI

8 And half think that providing support for trainees and newly qualified solicitors should be a priority For each of these can you please tell me how much of a priority for the Society you think these should be? Providing support for trainees, newly qualified solicitors and those interested in a career in the law High priority – highest responses % Trainee 76% High street 66% In-house private 60% Base: All respondents Source: Ipsos MORI

9 Certain priorities are more important for solicitors in high street firms
I’m going to read out some areas in which the Society represents the legal profession. For each of these can you please tell me how much of a priority for the Society you think these should be? % High priority Base: All respondents; High street firms (305) Source: Ipsos MORI

10 Member perceptions of the Society

11 Members’ perceptions of the Society are largely positive
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Net +91% +84% +70% +67% +58% +52% +32% Base: All respondents Source: Ipsos MORI

12 Most members think the Society should continue to be responsible for representation, support and regulation To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? The Society should continue to be responsible for representation, support and regulation of solicitors in Scotland Disagree – highest responses % Rural 11% Legal aid 9% Net agree +91% Base: All respondents Source: Ipsos MORI

13 Most think the Society is an effective regulator of the legal profession
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? The Society is an effective regulator of the legal profession Disagree – highest responses % Legal aid 12% Base: All respondents Source: Ipsos MORI

14 Three quarters think the Society is effective at leading and supporting the legal profession
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? The Society is effective at leading and supporting the legal profession Agree – highest responses % Solicitor or equivalent 85% Net agree +58% Disagree – highest responses % Legal aid 36% Partner/director 32% High street 30% Base: All respondents Source: Ipsos MORI

15 And two thirds think the Society is focused on the issues that affect them as a solicitor
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? The Society is focussed on the issues that affect me as a solicitor Agree – highest responses % Big firm 74% Disagree – highest responses % In-house private 47% Partner / Director 44% Legal aid 41% Base: All respondents Source: Ipsos MORI

16 A majority of members say that they know at least a fair amount about the Society’s work
How much, if anything, would you say you know about the work of the society? Base: All respondents Source: Ipsos MORI

17 The majority of members have a favourable opinion of the Society’s work
How favourable or unfavourable is your opinion of the work of the Society? Base: All respondents Source: Ipsos MORI

18 Policy context

19 Most members’ are in favour of additional resources for legal aid, and three quarters feel prepared for GDPR Now thinking about the wider policy context, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Net +70% +63% +62% +25% +9% 0% Base: All respondents Source: Ipsos MORI

20 Two thirds are optimistic about the future of the legal profession, in line with recent years
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? I am optimistic about the future of the legal profession in Scotland? Agree – highest responses % In-house private 75% In-house public 74% Trainee Disagree – highest responses % Legal aid 55% High street 50% Base: All respondents Source: Ipsos MORI

21 Communication

22 Satisfaction with communications remains high
I’m going to read out a list of statements and I’d like you to tell me how much you agree or disagree with each of these Base: All respondents Source: Ipsos MORI

23 Professional Practice Team

24 Half are familiar with the Professional Practice Team
How much would you say you know about the Professional Practice Team and the types of enquiries it is able to help with? A great deal/a fair amount – highest responses % Legal aid 69% Partner / director 67% High street firm 65% Not very much / nothing at all – highest responses % In-house private 83% In-house public 68% Solicitor or equivalent 65% Base: All respondents Source: Ipsos MORI

25 Awareness of the Professional Practice team is higher among High Street solicitors
How much would you say you know about the Professional Practice Team and the types of enquiries it is able to help with? Base: All respondents Source: Ipsos MORI

26 A third have used the Professional Practice Team for advice in the past 12 months
Have you used the Professional Practice Team for phone or advice in the past 12 months? Used the Professional Practice Team - highest responses % Rural 63% Practice legal aid (Yes) 51% High street firm Base: All respondents Source: Ipsos MORI

27 Most of those that used the Professional Practice Team would recommend it
How likely would you be to recommend the service of the Professional Practice Team to your colleagues or peers? Base: All respondents who have used the Professional Practice Team (215) Source: Ipsos MORI

28 Training

29 Half feel they would benefit from further training in accredited specialism paths and business development skills In what areas, if any, could the society provide you with further training to help develop your career? Base: All respondents Source: Ipsos MORI

30 Trainees

31 The highest priority among almost all trainees was providing assistance to those beginning and during their traineeships I’m going to read out some ways in which the Society provides support for trainee solicitors. Can you please tell me how much of a priority for the Society you think these should be? % ‘high priority’ Providing assistance to those beginning and during their traineeships The trainee helpline which provides general support and advice for trainees Providing networking opportunities through Society events/projects Base: All respondents who are trainee solicitors (95) Source: Ipsos MORI

32 A majority were satisfied with the assistance they received as trainees
Based on your experience, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with each of the following services and areas of support? Providing assistance to those beginning and during their traineeships Helping new solicitors develop contacts and build up a professional network through mentoring and trainee roadshows The trainee helpline which provides general support and advice for trainees Base: All respondents who are trainee solicitors (95) Source: Ipsos MORI

33 Paralegal Accreditation

34 Most think a recognised professional qualification for paralegals is important
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “It is important for the legal sector that paralegals have a recognised professional qualification.” Base: All respondents Source: Ipsos MORI

35 Issues facing members

36 The biggest issues facing Scottish solicitors relate to legal aid reform and Brexit
Thinking about your current role, what is the single biggest issues facing you as a Scottish solicitor? Top mentions Base: All respondents Source: Ipsos MORI

37 One in five cannot think of any additional service that the Society could offer
What one new service could the Society offer which would help you in your professional life? Top mentions Base: All respondents Source: Ipsos MORI

38 Brexit

39 Members are more likely to think Brexit will have a negative impact on their business than a positive one What impact do you think Brexit will have on your business or organisation over the next two years / next five years? Base: All respondents Source: Ipsos MORI

40 Over half think the UK will leave the EU in 2019 with an agreement in place; a quarter disagree
Britain is due to leave the European Union on 29th March Which one of these outcomes do you think is the most likely that day? Base: All respondents Source: Ipsos MORI

41 Ciaran Mulholland Ipsos MORI Associate Director 0131 240 3265 ciaran
Ciaran Mulholland Ipsos MORI Associate Director Alan McCreadie / Nicola Whiteford Research at the Law Society of Scotland

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