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Alamo Colleges District

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1 Alamo Colleges District
Performance Update Dr. Tom Cleary, Vice Chancellor Planning, Performance, and Information Systems Alamo Colleges District



4 Fall Headcount Enrollment College by Location (full term and flex 1)
* Z:\Projects\Student Profile\Fall 2017\Certified\Student Profile Fall 2017-Certified.xlsx * By location

5 Student Profile Fall 2017 19% (11,954) Full-Time, 81% (49,461) Part-Time 57% (35,289) Female, 43% (26,126) Male Ethnicity 62% (38,341) Hispanic 8% (4,961) African-American 24% (14,697) White 3% (1,616) Asian 3% (1,800) Other 53% Economically Disadvantaged for Fall 2016*; 20,895/(51,349-11,792 dual credit) 72% Receive Financial Aid for Fall 2016*; 28,456/(51,349-11,792 dual credit) 20% (12,494) Dual Credit Students FT/PT, gender, ethnicity from Z:\Projects\Student Profile\Fall 2017\Certified\Student Profile Fall 2017-Certified.xlsx *original document lists Asian separate from Other Econ. dsadvtgd., fin. aid., and DC from Z:\Projects\Performance Updates\DATA\FY 2017 Financial Aid and Economically Disadvantaged Data.xlsx

6 Course Completion Rates
Z:\Projects\Grade Distribution\GradeDistributionwPrimaryFaculty\Reports\Fall 2017 Preliminary\Fall 2017 Preliminary Grade Distribution - Totals - Excluding Dual Credit.pdf *Preliminary

7 Productive Grade Rates
Z:\Projects\Grade Distribution\GradeDistributionwPrimaryFaculty\Reports\Fall 2017 Preliminary\Fall 2017 Preliminary Grade Distribution - Totals - Excluding Dual Credit.pdf *Preliminary

8 Number of High Risk Courses
Z:\IRES Users\BCaro\Student Profile\Performance Updates\AC High Risk Courses Fall forward *Preliminary

9 CCSSE Results 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 Student Engagement Domain
Active & Collaborative Learning 53.6 49.8 50.1 51.1 50.8 Student Effort 51.0 50.0 48.9 48.8 52.6 Academic Challenge 50.9 49.9 48.0 47.9 50.2 Student/Faculty Interaction 50.6 49.0 49.2 48.6 49.7 Support for Learners 51.5 51.4 53.5

10 CCSSE Results by College (2017)
Benchmark SAC SPC PAC NVC NLC Active & Collaborative Learning 47.5 48.1 49.4 57.7 52.2 Student Effort 51.7 52.1 55.8 54.2 47.9 Academic Challenge 50.3 48.8 51.6 50.4 50.2 Student/Faculty Interaction 47.3 48.3 53.0 51.8 48.0 Support for Learners 50.8 56.0 58.2 52.8 49.7

11 Percentage of students rating their entire educational experience as “good or excellent”?
Spring 2017 data

12 Would you recommend this college to a friend or family member?
Spring 2017 data

13 Fall-to-Fall FTIC Persistence Rates
12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 FTIC Persisted FT 3523 2212 3622 2235 3438 2265 2902 1967 3196 2241 PT 4713 2421 4176 2152 4389 2249 4714 2420 4351 2315 THECB Accountability System as of 2017 Cert KPI: CERTIFIED Measure 11-12: One-Year Fall to Fall Persistence

14 FT FTIC Comparative Persistence Rates
THECB THECB Accountability System as of

15 Three-Year FTIC Graduation Rates
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 FTIC Grads FT 4975 464 3963 563 3336 575 3289 655 3482 860 PT 5075 274 5528 393 4734 425 4185 389 4421 501 THECB Accountability System as of Please note that colleges submit SSN changes to the THECB which the THECB then matches to its list from other colleges. FTIC cohort numbers change accordingly. As a result, cohort counts for the same cohort may be different at different timepoints. 2017 Cert KPI: Driver 3 CERTIFIED Measure 18: FTPT FTIC Graduates 3 years In June 2017, the THECB issued a memo stating they had not included summer enrollees for their Fall 2012 cohort. Therefore, graduation rates were corrected in the Accountability System and in these data. Source: THECB Accountability System (Rates from C03C-Graduation Rates and raw counts from Interactive); Rate=Total rate-Bachelor’s degree rate THECB Accountability System

16 3-Year FT FTIC Graduation Rates
THECB Accountability System as of

17 Four-Year FTIC Graduation Rates
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 FTIC Grads FT 4779 592 4975 735 3963 798 3336 797 3661 938 PT 4252 380 5075 481 5528 689 4734 713 4185 686 THECB Accountability System as of Please note that colleges submit SSN changes to the THECB which the THECB then matches to its list from other colleges. FTIC cohort numbers change accordingly. As a result, cohort counts for the same cohort may be different at different timepoints. 2017 Cert KPI: Driver 3  CERTIFIED Measure 19: FTPT FTIC Graduates 4 years In June 2017, the THECB issued a memo stating they had not included summer enrollees for their Fall 2012 cohort. Therefore, graduation rates were corrected in the Accountability System and in these data. Source: THECB Accountability System (Rates from C03C-Graduation Rates and raw counts from Interactive); Rate=Total rate-Bachelor’s degree rate THECB Accountability System

18 4-Year FT FTIC Graduation Rates
THECB Accountability System as of

19 Degrees Conferred

20 Degrees and Certificates Awarded
KPI 2017: Driver 3  CERTIFIED Measure 16: Degrees and Certificate Awards

21 Growth Rate in Degrees Conferred
One Year Growth Rate (FY16-FY17) Three Year Growth Rate (FY14-FY17) NLC 14% 271% NVC -11% 83% PAC 67% SAC 15% 90% SPC 12% 49% Alamo Colleges 6% 78% AC: FY ; FY  (( )/12009)= 6.22%  FY ; FY  (( )/7147)= 78.48%

22 Alamo College Degree Actuals and Targets

23 Transfer Rate (FTIC students)

24 Where Alamo Students Transfer
UTSA Texas State University University of the Incarnate Word Texas A&M University Texas A&M SA UT-Austin Fall 2006-Jan 2018

25 Success at Transfer Institutions F12 Transfers Graduating F13-F16
SAC 63.5% NVC 61.6% PAC 61.2% NLC 60.0% SPC 55.7% Alamo 61.8% Peer Group Avg. 60.5% State Avg. THECB report not updated as of

26 Students Employed and/or Enrolled within 6 Months of Graduation
Not updated as of

27 Fall 2014 FT FTIC 3-Year Tracking*
Updated as of ; grades are preliminary

28 Personal Assessment of the College Environment (PACE) Results

29 Four Climate Factors Factor 2014 2015 2016 2017 3.44 3.54 3.61 3.83
Institutional Structure 3.44 3.54 3.61 Supervisory Relationship 3.83 3.89 3.90 3.88 Teamwork 3.91 3.94 3.96 3.92 Student Focus 4.02 4.06 4.12 4.11

30 Funding for the Alamo Colleges

31 Bond Rating Moody’s AAA S&P

32 Foundation Assets

33 100%

34 SACSCOC 100%

35 67%

36 CIP Bond Community Approval

37 2017 Highlights NLC: ??? NVC: PAC: SPC: SAC:

38 2017 Highlights NLC: Accredited NVC: PAC: SPC: SAC:

39 2017 Highlights NLC: Accredited NVC: ??? PAC: SPC: SAC:

40 2017 Highlights NLC: Accredited NVC: Best Community College in Texas

41 2017 Highlights NLC: Accredited NVC: Best Community College in Texas
PAC: ??? SPC: SAC:

42 2017 Highlights NLC: Accredited NVC: Best Community College in Texas
PAC: “Top 15” College in US in Teaching SPC: SAC:

43 2017 Highlights NLC: Accredited NVC: Best Community College in Texas
PAC: “Top 15” College in US in Teaching SPC: ??? SAC:

44 2017 Highlights NLC: Accredited NVC: Best Community College in Texas
PAC: “Top 15” College in US in Teaching SPC: Best Online School in Texas SAC:

45 2017 Highlights NLC: Accredited NVC: Best Community College in Texas
PAC: “Top 15” College in US in Teaching SPC: Best Online School in Texas SAC: ???

46 2017 Highlights NLC: Accredited NVC: Best Community College in Texas
PAC: “Top 15” College in US in Teaching SPC: Best Online School in Texas SAC: Nationally Ranked as “Top 10” Best Community College for Hispanics


48 2018 Priorities Student Success Agenda AlamoADVISE AlamoINSTITUTES



51 Appendices

52 High Risk Courses* ASTR 1303 BIOL 1406 CHEM 1305, 1312, 1411, 1412
ITCC 1414 MATH 0100, 0105, 0320, 0410, 1314, 1324, 1332, 1414, 2412, 2413, 2414 *Preliminary

53 High Risk Courses* SGNL 1301 SPAN 1300 *Preliminary

54 Degrees & Certificates Awarded by Ethnicity
Degrees and Certificates Awarded by Ethnicity-Duplicated THECB Interactive Accountability System Other = International + Other

55 Degrees & Certificates Awarded by Gender
Degrees and Certificates Awarded by Gender-Duplicated THECB Interactive Accountability System Other = International + Other

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