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Reproduction in the Kingdoms

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Presentation on theme: "Reproduction in the Kingdoms"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reproduction in the Kingdoms

2 Review Asexual Reproduction Budding Fission Regeneration

3 Sexual Reproduction During sexual reproduction two sex cells called and egg and a sperm come together to form a fertilized cell. Vocabulary to know Diploid Cell: 46 Chromosomes or 23 pairs of chromosomes Cells of the body Zygote- initial fertilized cell Haploid Cell: 23 chromosomes Gametes Sex cells Sperm and egg


5 Bacteria Sexual Asexual
Conjugation: two bacteria line up next to each other and pass genetic information through a fine tube. This results in cells with a different combination of genetic material Asexual Fission

6 Protist Asexual Mitosis Sexual Fertlization

7 Fungi Asexual Sexual Spores
A waterproof reproductive cell that can grow into a new organism Sexual Two hyphae grow together to from new spores

8 Plants Asexual Sexual Spores Planting a piece of the parent
Fertilization Seeds

9 Animals Asexual Sexual Regeneration Internal fertilization
From one cell we get skin cells, muscle cells, organ cells. Sexual Internal fertilization External fertilization

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