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Formative Assessment Review

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1 Formative Assessment Review
Formative Assessment Review

2 A mouse has an allele for white fur, but its fur is black
A mouse has an allele for white fur, but its fur is black.  The allele for white fur is Recessive The genotype must be Bb B for black fur b for white fur If an allele is present, but it doesn’t show, that allele must be recessive.

3 The eye color of children often resembles the eye color of their parents. Which of the following is genetically passed from parents to children? Genes that contain the information that determines eye color are passed from parents to children. Could be called DNA, genes, chromosomes

4 Asexual reproduction = 1 parent
In some kinds of organisms, reproduction occurs asexually (without the combining of two sex cells). Which of the following statements is TRUE about the information that is passed in DNA from a parent to its offspring in these kinds of organisms? The information in the DNA of a parent is identical to the information in the DNA of its offspring. Asexual reproduction = 1 parent If there is only 1 parent, all the information/genes/DNA is identical between parent and offspring

5 What is the inheritance pattern shown in the pedigree below?
autosomal dominant Check the ratio of males and females If half and half, it is autosomal Check the parents of affected people If at least one parent is affected, it is dominant

6 A complete Punnett square shows
only the genotypes of parents and offspring You use your brain to find the phenotypes!!

7 Half of the genetic information comes from each of the parents.
In sexually reproducing organisms, such as humans, which of the following statements is TRUE about the genetic information that is passed from parents to children? Half of the genetic information comes from each of the parents. Sexual reproduction = 2 parents Half of the information comes from the mommy, half of the information comes from the daddy

8 Determine the genotypes of the parents using the Punnett square below
aa and AA On a Punnett Square, parent genotypes get written on the outside of the square

9 Which of the following is TRUE about the number of DNA molecules in an unfertilized egg cell of an organism compared to the number of DNA molecules in a fertilized egg cell of that same organism? (A fertilized egg cell is an egg cell that has combined with a sperm cell.) Due to meiosis, an unfertilized egg cell contains half as many DNA molecules as a fertilized egg cell. Unfertilized egg and sperm cells have 23 chromosomes Fertilized egg cells have 46 chromosomes (23 pairs)

10 Hair texture is a trait with incomplete dominance
Hair texture is a trait with incomplete dominance.  C is used for curly hair and S is used for straight hair.  If a curly haired person is crossed with a wavy haired person, what is the probability that the offspring will be straight haired? 0% The curly haired person is CC, the wavy haired person is CS. When you do the Punnett Square, you end up with 2 CC and 2 CS, none of which are straight haired (SS).

11 A heterozygous organism (Dd) is crossed with an organism with the same genotype.  What percent of the offspring will show the dominant phenotype? 75% In the resulting Punnett Square, you get 1 DD, 2 Dd, and 1 dd. Both DD and Dd show the dominant phenotype. 3 out of 4 is 75%.

12 All of the offspring’s DNA is the same as the DNA in its one parent.
In sea anemones (simple animals that live in the ocean), reproduction can occur asexually (without the combining of two sex cells). One or more offspring split off from the parent in a process called “budding.” How much of the offspring’s DNA is the same as its parent’s DNA in this type of reproduction? All of the offspring’s DNA is the same as the DNA in its one parent. Asexual reproduction = 1 parent If there is only one parent, all the DNA is the same (identical).

13 Where are the genes for sex-linked traits located?
On the “X” chromosome Girls are XX, boys are XY Sex-linked traits occur more frequently in boys because they only have one X chromosome, if it carries a defective gene, they will exhibit that trait

14 A cat gets into a fight, and the tips of both of its ears get torn off
A cat gets into a fight, and the tips of both of its ears get torn off.  If the cat has kittens later, how will this affect the shapes of its kittens' ears? It will have no effect on the ears of any of the kittens. The cells that are affected are not sex cells (eggs or sperm). Only affected eggs and sperm will be passed onto children.

15 In a plant, tall (D) is the dominant allele
In a plant, tall (D) is the dominant allele.  Short (d) is the recessive allele.  Which genotype would a short offspring have? dd Even one dominant allele would cover up a short allele, so the only way to see a short phenotype is to have 2 recessive alleles, symbolized by lower case letters.

16 A human pedigree may give us information on
how a gene is inherited By looking at the affected individuals, you could try to figure out if it is dominant, recessive, or X-linked.

17 Traits are passed from parents to offspring
Through genes located on chromosomes Genes are small sections of chromosomes Both genes and chromosomes are made of DNA

18 What is this model used to determine?
the probability of a trait being passed on Punnett Squares only show probabilities, in percents, of offspring from a particular set of parents, having specific traits.

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