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Ch 13 Solutions Give three examples of solutions in everyday life

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1 Ch 13 Solutions Give three examples of solutions in everyday life
What main components do these solution consist of? How do you know that each of these examples is actually a solution?

2 Mixtures Solutions- Homogeneous mixture of two or more substances uniformly dispersed throughout a single phase Suspensions- mixture in which particles are temporarily heterogeneous mixed. They will settle and separate Colloid- heterogeneous mixture that is stable and does not settle

3 Solutions Two parts- Solvent – the substance in which the solute is dissolved Solute- the substance that is dissolved in the solvent Ex. Salt water: Solvent – water solute - salt

4 Concentration and Molarity
Concentration- amount of a particular substance in a given quantity of a solution

5 Concentration Amount of a solute dissolved in a given quantity of solvent Expressed as Molarity Molality Parts per million Parts per billion

6 Calculating parts per million
Grams of solute in grams of solvent If there are 2.2 mg of Hg in 500g of a water sample, what is the concentration in ppm? 2.2 mg = ? g g Hg x parts 500 g H2O million 4.44 ppm

7 Molarity Moles per 1 liter of solvent
Find molarity of KCl if 85.0g is dissolved in 500 mL of water. 85 g KCl x 1mole = 1.14 mol KCl 74.55 g 500 mL = 0.5L 1.14 mol = 2.85 mol/liter = 2.85 M 0.5L

8 Solvation- process of creating a solution ionic compound(solute) dissociates to cation and anion and dissolve in water (polar) Like dissolves like- polar solvent dissolve charged solutes non-polar solvents dissolve non-polar molecules

9 Separating mixtures Filtering – heterogeneous mixtures
Centrifuging- heterogeneous mixtures Decanting- heterogeneous mixtures Evaporation- homogenous mixtures Distillation- homogeneous mixtures Chromatography- homogeneous mixtures

10 Factors that affect solubility-
temp- most SOLID substances increase temp increase solubility decrease temp decrease solubility gases- increase temp decrease solubility decrease temp increase solubility


12 Pressure- gases- increase pressure increase solubility
solids- no affect liquids- very slight affect

13 Surface Area Greater surface area speeds up dissolving process
Crush solids to increase surface area

14 Saturation A. Saturated- most possible solute at temp
B. Unsaturated- less than maximum at temp C. Supersaturated- more than max possible at temp (heat then cool)

15 Physical Properties of Solutions
Electrolytes- substance that dissolves in a liquid and provides ions that conduct electricity Ex.- Gatorade, etc

16 Electrical Conductivity of Solutions

17 Solubility Rules

18 Colligitive properties of solutions
Boiling point elevation- the bp of solutions is different from pure substances increase concentration of solution the greater the bp is elevated different solutes change the bp by different amounts

19 Freezing point depression-
the fp of solutions is different than the fp of pure substances increase concentration of solution the lower the fp of the solution decrease the concentration of the solution and the less the fp is depressed

20 Pure substances have true boiling points and freezing points, but solutions do not. For example, pure water has a boiling point of 100 °C and a freezing point of 0 °C. In boiling for example, as pure water vapor leaves the liquid, only pure water is left behind. Not so with a solution.

21 If you were to plot the temperature change of a pure substance boiling versus time, the line would stay flat. With a solution, the line would tend to drift upward as the solution became more concentrated

22 As a solution boils, if the solute is non-volatile, then only pure solvent enters the vapor phase. The solute stays behind (this is the meaning of non-volatile). However, the consequence is that the solution becomes more concentrated, hence its boiling point increases.

23 Molality- number of moles of solute per kilogram of solvent
used to calculate bp and fp changes

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