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Introdaction in Ethereum blockchain and Smart contract

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Presentation on theme: "Introdaction in Ethereum blockchain and Smart contract"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introdaction in Ethereum blockchain and Smart contract

2 What Blockchain is Name Balance Alice 5.3 BTC Ivan 3 BTC Leonid
Taras BTC Fedor BTC What Blockchain is

3 What Ethereum is

4 Difference between blockchain Ethereum and blockchain Bitcoin.
Address from Address to 1 BTC Smart contract Address from Address to 1 BTC Hello

5 Development tools Solidity Remix Mist Truffle Testrpc Geth Parity

6 IDE Visual Studio Extension Package for Sublime Text Etharatom
Vim Solidity Remix Solium Atom Solium Linter

7 Solidity

8 OpenZeppelin

9 Contracts

10 Tokens


12 Geth geth --testnet --rpc --rpcaddr " " --rpcap i--ipcdisable "admin,debug,miner,shh,txpool,personal,eth,net,web3" console

13 Thank you for your attention.

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