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Radio Speaking.

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1 Radio Speaking

2 Objective At the end of today’s lesson, you will be able to create a radio speaking presentation of your own! Stay Tuned!

3 What is it? Individual event that is made up of a radio program covering the latest news, weather, and gossip. &feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PLDCB 109D9721C9AFC Tape examples

4 Keep in Mind Transitions Key part Broadcast should follow a theme
Theme should tie all parts together

5 Keep in Mind Microphone Technique Breathing Pronunciation Articulation
Volume Distance

6 Do’s and Don’ts of Radio Speaking
Compose broadcast logically Keep sentences simple Use up-to-date, relevant news stories Maintain energy Have fun! Use any fillers “um, err” Make it sound as if the broadcast is being read off Just read off a newspaper article Rush Panic

7 Summarize To keep radio broadcast short and understandable, it will be important to summarize your news stories, but keep the key information: Who? What? Where? When? Why?

8 Let’s Practice!! Read article
On a sheet of paper write the answers to the questions: Who? What? Where? When? Why?

9 Group Project 4-5 people 7-10 minutes long
Your radio program should include: A theme News story- Local, National, International Sports- Local, Regional, National Weather Entertainment- Celeb gossip, Box office top movies, Celeb interview Public Service Announcement 2 Commercials

10 Remember! Only when you fully understand something can you express it clearly… Your FIRST sentence will decide if your listeners will stay tuned!

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