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SOC 2160 You are wedding the planners working for a client…….

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Presentation on theme: "SOC 2160 You are wedding the planners working for a client……."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOC 2160 You are wedding the planners working for a client…….
Class Presentation SOC 2160 You are wedding the planners working for a client…….

2 Instructions Work in pairs or teams of three to plan a wedding.
Consider a small wedding – no more than 50 guests; medium wedding guests or a large wedding or more guests. Answer or address the following concerns in your wedding presentation Clarify your ideas with the instructor before proceeding so that variety in presentations will be insured.

3 Pros and Cons of the Size of the Wedding
What comments can you make in favor of a wedding with your number of guests (small, medium, or large)? What are some disadvantages of such an event?

4 Marriage Vows What “agreements” would you and your partner have to reach in order stay married? Same for bride and groom? Write some sample vows or restate traditional ones Issues for blended families

5 What would you have to include in your plan?
Attire Symbolism Location Officiant (religious or other) Family input/inclusion Type of Reception Other concerns

6 Seek Internet sites International customs, as appropriate
Wedding planning sites, themes, products, etc. Vows Honeymoons

7 Put together the budget
Include your wedding size and plan in the budgetary list For what emergencies might you have to allow? Who pays for what?

8 Presentation Create a poster, PowerPoint or handout with your key information Present your wedding plan to the class as if you were a wedding planner pitching a plan to a client

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