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Interactive Student Notebook

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1 Interactive Student Notebook
Your Key to Success in English II

2 we did in class yesterday.
I can't remember what we did in class yesterday. I can't find my… notes, homework, old quizzes . . . I was absent yesterday. Did I miss anything? I'm sure it’s in . . . mom’s car . . . my book bag . . . my room . . .

3 Get it together with your
Interactive Student Notebook

4 What is an Interactive Notebook?
A personalized textbook A working portfolio – all of your notes, essays, worksheets, class work, quizzes – in one convenient spot.

5 PURPOSE You will become a creative, independent, and reflective thinker and writer throughout the year. You will express your own ideas, eventually processing or applying the information and skills learned in English II.

6 LEFT PAGE Student Responses RIGHT PAGE Teacher Input

7 Right Side The Right side belongs to Ms. Knight
The Right side has all “testable” information Date Title and Unit pages Vocabulary Class, reading, and discussion notes Worksheets Table of Contents Study Guides Quizzes Objectives Other relevant information

8 Right Side Should be completely done.
Title, date, and page number on every page. All assignments should be in chronological order. All right side assignments should be done only on right sides. Any missing part (date, title, incomplete, etc.) will cause points to be deduced.

9 Examples of Right Side Assignments
Articles Notes, vocabulary terms Graphic Organizers / Thinking Maps In-class Assignments Essays, writing assignments Worksheets

10 The Left side belongs to YOU! (It will be graded)
Left Side is to record your thinking, reflections, questions, thoughts, impressions, connections, and wonderings. The Left side belongs to YOU! (It will be graded)

11 Ideas for Left Side Use graphs, charts, Venn Diagrams, research from internet , draw pictures Make connections between new and old learning Questions Poems or songs Brainstorming Sketches related to learning Create mnemonic devices

12 Examples of Left Side Assignments
Graphic Organizers Quickwrites Summaries Reflections Opinions/Arguments Problem Solving Cornell Notes

13 LEFT SIDE + Right Side All of these can be done for the left side of each right side page. Every individual right side page (even for many pages of the same assignment) must have an accompanying left side activity.


15 Maintaining the Interactive Notebook
No ripped out pages or torn corners No doodling that doesn’t relate to notes Date, title and number each page

16 a new notebook for each semester!
YOU will need a new notebook for each semester!

17 GRADING OF INB Each time the notebook is evaluated it will constitute a major grade!!! Notebook checks are unannounced and can occur at any random time during the school year.

18 Setting up the Interactive Student Notebook

19 Notice and Note Bookmark! Do Not take up the entire side.
#1 AUTHOR’S PAGE Glued here: Notice and Note Bookmark! Do Not take up the entire side. Your name Period Decorate the page Inside cover

20 Quick Reference page 2 and 3
Leave Blank

21 Table of Contents Pages 4, 5, 6, 7
This is the student’s organizing page. It can be as detailed as the students want It will help you evaluate their work and comprehension Is an outline of their notebook and can be filled in as they go or completed at the end of the unit. It is easier to fill in as you go! Make sure students leave enough room, especially for big units

22 Label each Page Starting on Page 8: Label all pages until completion!

23 First Activity Starting on Page 8
Left Side pg 8 Why did you pick these specific quotes ? What made them stand out as weird? What did you learn about the story through these specific quotes? Right Side pg 9 Write at least 6 quotes that you starred while reading that best reflect aha moments and contrasts and contradictions.

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