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Intro to UV-Vis Molecular Absorption Spectrometry

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1 Intro to UV-Vis Molecular Absorption Spectrometry
Chap 13

2 Instrument Components

3 (1) Common Sources for the UV-Vis
Deuterium Lamp Emission spectrum

4 (1) Common Sources for the UV-Vis
Tungsten Lamp Emission spectrum

5 (1) Common Sources for the UV-Vis
Output intensities of a D2 lamp (UV) and a W lamp (Vis) at 3200K.

6 (2) Wavelength Selectors (Filters)
Figure 7-16 (FWHM) Interference Filter: narrow bandpass ∼ 10 nm Absorption Filter: wide bandpass ∼ 50 nm

7 (2) Wavelength Selectors (Absorption Filters)
Colors of Visible Light

8 Newton’s Color Wheel The color absorbed is the complement of the
color of a solution itself: e.g., A soln. of FeSCN2+ is red because green is absorbed, ∴ a green filter is employed.

9 (2) Wavelength Selectors (Monochromator)
Schematic of a Czerny-Turner Monochromator Figure 7-18 (a)

10 Principle of a Reflection Grating.
Figure 7-21 Constructive interference when reflected light is in phase. Destructive interference when reflected light is 180o out-of-phase.

11 Effect of Slit Width on Spectral Detail of Benzene Vapor
Figure 13-8

12 Monochromator Slit Widths Figure 7-25 Wide slits high Abs but low res.
good for quant. work Narrow slits high res but low Abs. good for qual. work

13 Photomultiplier tube (PMT)
(3) Detectors (PMT) Figure 7-31 Photomultiplier tube (PMT)

14 (3) Detectors (Photodiode Array)
Figure 7-32 (a) Silicon diode

15 (3) Detectors (Photodiode Array)
Figure 7-32 (b) Silicon diode – Reverse bias

16 (3) Detectors (Photodiode Array)
Figure 13-15 All λ’s measured simultaneously.

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