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Pâques en France.

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Presentation on theme: "Pâques en France."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pâques en France

2 Le dimanche des Rameaux
Palm Sunday (le dimanche des Rameaux) is the Sunday before Easter.  Palm leaves are given in churches to the worshippers.

3 Les cloches All the church bells in France stop ringing from the evening of Easter Thursday (le Jeudi Saint), until the morning of Easter Sunday. Tradition says that all the church bells in France fly away to Rome to be blessed by the pope.

4 Vendredi Saint Good Friday (Vendredi Saint) commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

5 Les processions There are lots of processions and religious parades in towns. 

6 Le dimanche de Pâques Christians believe that Jesus was resurrected from the dead three days after his crucifixion. This is celebrated on Easter Sunday (Dimanche de Pâques).

7 Le dimanche de Pâques According to tradition, on the morning of Easter Sunday the Easter bells (les cloches de Pâques) fly back to France. They drop chocolate eggs, chickens, bells and bunnies in the gardens of the French towns.

8 La chasse aux œufs In the morning, the children awake very excited because it is time for the chocolate egg hunt (la chasse aux œufs).

9 Les œufs de Pâques The tradition of the Easter eggs dates back from the 4th century.

10 Les chocolats In France you will see lots of different shaped chocolate treats – not just eggs!

11 Le repas There is generally an enormous amount of delicious food to eat.  It is a very special and happy day.  Bon appétit!

12 Poisson d’avril This year Easter is on 1st April (April Fool’s Day)
In France children often play a trick on adults (parents, teachers…) by sticking paper fish onto their back. They run away shouting out “Poisson d'avril!”  

13 Quiz

14 1. “Le dimanche des Rameaux” is...
Palm Sunday Good Friday Easter Monday ANSWER: a

15 2. The word “Pâques” means...
Christmas Easter Summer ANSWER: b

16 3. Easter is in the season of...
printemps (spring) été (summer) hiver (winter) ANSWER: a

17 4. What is un œuf de Pâques? an Easter card an Easter bunny
an Easter egg ANSWER: c

18 5. According to the French tradition, where do all the church bells fly to, at Easter?
Madrid Paris Rome ANSWER: c

19 6. A“chasse aux oeufs” is ... an Easter egg hunt an Easter egg
an Easter present ANSWER: a

20 7. Where would you buy Easter eggs?
l’école l’hôtel la confiserie ANSWER: c

21 8. A baby born around Easter time may be called...
Pascal Georges Henri ANSWER: a

22 Joyeuses Pâques !

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