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Characteristics of Living Things

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Presentation on theme: "Characteristics of Living Things"— Presentation transcript:

1 Characteristics of Living Things

2 7 Characteristics of Living Things
Movement Growth & Development Sensitivity Reproduction Use of Energy Made of Cells Eliminate Waste

3 Movement Living things move
They either move externally (like animals) or parts of them can move (like plants)

4 Growth and Development
Living things grow Living things change as they age A seed growing into a plant A small child growing into a human A caterpillar growing into a butterfly

5 Sensitivity Living things respond to the environment around them
If something hurts they move, if something is threatening they move

6 Reproduction Living things must make more of themselves Can be done by
Creating a seed like a plant Creating a baby like animals Creating a duplicate like bacteria

7 Use of Energy All living things need energy to function
They will either make their own energy (plants, some bacteria) or they will have to consume something to get that energy (animals)

8 Made of Cells Living things are made up of cells This could mean one cell, or many cells

9 Eliminate Waste The cells of all living things produce waste
Living things must be able to get rid of this waste in order to survive

10 Great White

11 Euglena

12 Sunflower

13 Sea Urchins

14 E. Coli Cells

15 Red Wasp

16 Let’s sum it all up…
How does this video demonstrate many of the different characteristics of living things we have learned?

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