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Happy Thursday!  How was the League of Nations ineffective?

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Presentation on theme: "Happy Thursday!  How was the League of Nations ineffective?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Happy Thursday!  How was the League of Nations ineffective?
2. Why was Hitler expanding the German territory? 3. What is blitzkrieg? 4. As of 1939 the US was __________ in the war.

2 “Cash-and-Carry” Allowed warring nations to buy U.S. arms as long as they paid in cash and transported them in their own ships Part of 1939 Neutrality Act Help Britain and France defeat Germany (…. Neutrality???) Isolationists criticize FDR!

3 Building U.S. defenses Nazi victories in 1940 led to a boost in defense spending Congress passed nations first peacetime military draft Selective Training and Service Act 16 million were registered

4 FDR Breaks the tradition by Washington of only serving 2 terms Re-elected for a third term! 22 amendment later added to legally limit to 2 terms

5 “Great Arsenal of Democracy”
FDR in a fireside chat said “No man can tame a tiger into a kitten by stroking it.” Lend-Lease Plan (1941): lend arms and other supplies to any country whose defense was vital to the US Compared to lending a water hose to a neighbor whose house is on fire! Isolationists once again angry!

6 Germany and the USSR June 1941 Hitler breaks agreement “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” US extends lend-lease to USSR German wolfpacks sink 350,000 tons of shipments in a single month June 1941 FDR allows the navy permission to attack German U-Boats in self defense

7 Axis v. Allied Powers Great Britain France Soviet Union Germany Italy
Japan (Tripartite Pact)


9 FDR prepares for war! Atlantic Charter (US + GB): both countries pledged security, disarmament, self-determination and economic cooperation FDR would “wage war” and do everything for “force an incident” Orders navy to shoot submarines on sight Atlantic Charter becomes the “Declaration of the United Nations” Signed by 26 nations; 4/5 of human race

10 Japan Japan under Hideki Tojo began seizing East Asia US protests by cutting off all trade with Japan (oil!) Tojo tells emperor Hirohito he will preserve peace with America US breaks Japan’s secret communication code and learn Japan is preparing for strike -> “war warning” December 6, Japan’s peace envoy told to reject ALL American peace proposals

11 Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941 Less than 2 hours Japanese kill 2,403 and wound 1,178 Sank/damaged 21 ships including 8 battleships Greater damage than the US Navy suffered in ALL OF WORLD WAR 1 By chance 3 aircraft carriers at sea escape “A date that will live in infamy…” December 8- war on Japan December 11- war on Germany and Italy

12 Happy Friday! Grab a computer for team kahoot! Winning team gets +3 on the quiz we will have Monday!


14 Today’s Focus: The Holocaust

15 The Holocaust
You can record on paper or make an online brochure. 1- Timeline of Events 2- Introduction (summarize, complete sentences or bullet points, include stats) 3- American Response (discuss the steps America took. What is your opinion of American response?) 4- Victims and Survivors (record two stories) 5-Prevention and Responsibility (response to questions on page 12 from American Response)

16 768-774 America in World War II
In your groups you are creating a poster titled “Mobilizing For Defense” Role 1- WOMEN IN MILITARY Role 2- MINORITIES IN MILITARY/DISCRIMINATION Role 3- INDUSTRY/SCIENCE Role 4- FEDERAL GOVERNMENT *For each you need to define key terms/people, an image to represent the contribution to the war and a 2 sentence summary about your assigned aspect explaining the impact each had on World War 2. **Once ALL four are done you are analyzing how WAR HAS IMPACTED these four areas. What changes (social/economic/political) have come about? Why does this tend to happen during a time of war? 1 paragraph minimum! Each group member should contribute!

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