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Chapter 19: Liquids.

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1 Chapter 19: Liquids

2 Review: What is pressure?
pressure = Force Area There is greater pressure exerted on a small area for the same amount of force/weight.

3 What is liquid pressure?
Liquid pressure is determined by two things: depth and density

4 Do things weigh more on land or in water? Why?
On land, because in water there’s buoyancy.

5 Buoyancy Buoyancy is the apparent loss of weight of an object when it’s submersed in a liquid. The buoyant force on an object pushes upward, against gravity’s downward pull.

6 Buoyancy (cont’d) weight > buoyant force = sinks
weight < buoyant force = floats weight = buoyant force =neither

7 Buoyancy (cont’d)

8 Buoyancy (cont’d) Buoyancy depends on volume
A completely submerged object always displaces a volume of liquid equal to its own volume.

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