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English 28 Online Professor Carrillo

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1 English 28 Online Professor Carrillo
This course emphasizes and develop skills in critical reading and academic writing as preparation for college-level composition. Students will write a minimum of 5,000 words. This class prepares students for college-level reading and academic writing. Prerequisites: English 21 or qualifying preparation score. Students should have the minimum basic skills (i.e. reading, writing, grammar) to function properly in this class and to complete assignments.

2 Minimum Requirements for E28
Write a basic composition a 3-5 paragraph essay Topic sentence/thesis Possess a solid background in grammar Punctuation Mechanics Sentence structure Read at the 11th grade level Understand MLA 2016 (recent change) First page format

3 Learning Outcomes Read critically
Compose developed, unified, stylistically competent essays of Relatively free of grammar errors Use patterns of development Self based to text-based writing Demonstrate awareness of writing process Research and understand MLA format for documentation and citation

4 Course Text

5 Course Measurement (1000 points possible)
4 essays 400 2 exams 200 Quizzes 100 Homework 50 Discussions 50 Research project 100 Final Exam 100

6 What to do… Post Introduction Read Lecture notes/readings
Grammar Diagnostic Need textbook by Week 2

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