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Presentation on theme: "DATA COMMUNICATION Lecture-9."— Presentation transcript:


2 Recap of Lecture 8 Critique of the OSI Model Functions of Layers
Physical Layer Data Link Layer Network Layer

3 Overview of Lecture 9 Functions of Layers

4 Transport Layer Responsible for Source-to-Destination delivery of Entire Message Transport Layer ensures that whole message arrives at the destination intact

5 Transport Layer

6 Functions of Transport Layer
Service Point Addressing Segmentation and Reassembly Connection Control Flow Control Error Control

7 Transport Layer Example

8 Session Layer Session layer is the Network Dialog Controller
Establishes, Maintains, and Synchronizes the interaction between communicating systems

9 Functions of Session Layer
Dialog Control Synchronization

10 Session Layer

11 Presentation Layer Presentation layer is concerned with Syntax and Semantics of info exchange between two systems

12 Presentation Layer

13 Summary The OSI Model Functions of Layers

14 Suggested Reading Section3.2 “Data Communications and Networking” 2nd Edition by Behrouz A. Forouzan

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