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Part 3: Ethnic Religions

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Presentation on theme: "Part 3: Ethnic Religions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Part 3: Ethnic Religions

2 What is an ethnic religion?

3 An Ethnic Religion primarily appeals to one group of people living in one place.

4 Ethnic Religions Overview Shamanism and Traditional Religions Hinduism
Confucianism and Daoism Shintoism Judaism Shamanism and Traditional Religions

5 Section A: Hinduism

6 Hinduism is: The 3rd largest religion in the world and concentrated in Nepal and India.

7 Hindus worship: Many different gods though most (70%) follow the god Vishnu or Siva (26%)

8 Caste System Hierarchical system in India
Individuals are born into a caste and have certain status with that caste Lower castes have a lower standard of living Access to clean water, education, life expectancy

9 Section B: Confucianism and Daoism

10 Confucianism is: Located in China and characterized not by a belief in a god or gods but by ethical obligations to family and society.

11 Daoism is: Located in China. Followers attempt to follow the Tao (Path) or having one’s will at harmony with the universe.

12 Section C: Shintoism

13 Shintoism is: The indigenous Japanese religion. It focuses on the worship of various forces of nature.

14 Section D: Judaism

15 Judaism is: One of the oldest religions and the first recorded monotheistic religions.

16 Judaism is: Considered an ethnic religion because of its numbers and because it is generally limited to one ethnic group.

17 Located in many areas around the world because of the diaspora.
Judaism is: Located in many areas around the world because of the diaspora.

18 What is the Diaspora?

19 The Jewish Diaspora was the dispersing of the Jewish people from their original homeland initially by the Babylonians (586 BCE) and culminating in the Roman Diaspora after the destruction of the temple (70AD).

20 Many Jews were forced to live in ghettos throughout Europe.

21 What is a ghetto?

22 A ghetto is a part of a city where a minority group lives because of economic, political, or social discriminations.

23 Modern Judaism is located:
6 million in the United States, 4 million in Israel, and 2 million in the former Soviet Union,

24 Section E: Shamanism and Traditional Religions

25 Ethnic religion in which people follow a religious leader or shaman.
Shamanism is an: Ethnic religion in which people follow a religious leader or shaman.

26 Shamanism is often expressed through:
Animism: A belief that all natural objects contain a spirit and conscious life.

27 Native American Tribes
Examples of Shamanism: Native American Tribes

28 African Tribal Religion
Examples of Shamanism: African Tribal Religion

29 Part 4: Modern Religious Conflicts

30 Modern Religious Conflicts
The Troubles The Israel and Palestine Conflict Religious Extremism

31 Pretest – What are some religious conflicts that exist today?

32 Section A: The Troubles

33 The Troubles (1960s – 1998): The Troubles is the name for the Northern Ireland conflict between the Catholic Irish Nationals and the British Protestants

34 Cause of the Troubles Arose because of discrimination against the Irish Catholic minority by the Protestant majority. Most Irish Catholics wanted to reunite Ireland as one sovereign nation.

35 End of the Troubles Largely resolved with a Ceasefire that included the British Army leaving Northern Irish cities and the decommissioning of the Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA).

36 Section B: Israel and Palestine Conflict

37 The Israel and Palestine Conflict
A note to teachers: I realize that the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is a large focus within the Middle East. I’ve chosen not to provide full coverage in this Power Point but would recommend that you use videos from YouTube and the like to help the student understand the scope of the violence/mistrust that also causes much of the other conflicts within the Middle East. Caused by the desire of both Israelis and Palestinians to have a sovereign state in the Middle East

38 The Israel and Palestine Conflict
Violence is especially severe on both sides with attacks both on military and civilian targets.

39 The Israel and Palestine Conflict
While many peace talks have been held, most have ended in violence. The conflict is still ongoing.

40 Discuss: What might you do to help resolve this conflict?

41 Section C: Religious Extremism

42 Religious Extremism Religious fundamentalism (strict adherence to beliefs) that is expressed through violence.

43 Religious Extremism exists in:

44 Religious Extremism exists in:

45 Religious Extremism exists in:

46 Religious Extremism exists in:
Nearly Every Religion.

47 End of Unit 3: Part 3 All images are from either the Public Doman or are Presented Under a Creative Commons Commercial Use License.

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