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Nova Scotia Business Inc.

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1 Nova Scotia Business Inc.
Presented by: Laurel Broten, President & CEO

2 At Nova Scotia Business Inc
At Nova Scotia Business Inc., we are committed to working towards a strong, thriving and globally competitive Nova Scotia by attracting global investment to create new jobs across the province, and working with companies in all Nova Scotia communities to be more successful exporters.


4 What We Do Support for Nova Scotia businesses
Accelerate Nova Scotia firms to go global Work with partners to grow and sustain businesses and key sectors within the province Attract foreign investment We sell the world on doing business in Nova Scotia. We sell Nova Scotia businesses to the world.


6 Investment Attraction
NSBI’s tools and service that help in our work attract foreign direct investment: Payroll Rebate This financial incentive may be used when an applicant's project generates an economic benefit to the province which may include: Export development; Investment in the province; or Improved competitiveness of existing businesses, in one or more of the province’s key economic sectors. Rebates will be equivalent to between 5% and 10% of the applicant’s gross payroll, depending on the applicant’s strategic location or business sector and the economic benefit generated to the province. Project Management NSBI’s role is to help foreign companies connect with key stakeholders, navigate processes, and create critical connections as the company explores an investment opportunity in Nova Scotia.

7 NSBI Project Management: Dane Creek Capital Corp.
``NSBI has been a key partner for DCCC in our efforts to establish the Dockside company and brand. NSBI has been our first point of contact in Nova Scotia and has been instrumental to our development by providing guidance, pairing us with other local agencies able to provide assistance, and introducing us to potential private sector partners. We would not be where we are today without their help.” Mark Warren, Chairman and CEO at Dockside

8 Export from Nova Scotia
Small Business Development Program (SBDP) Export Growth Program (EGP) Trade Market Intelligence Program (TMI) Trade Missions Export Education sessions

9 Online resources:

10 (Source: CANSIM Table 384-0038).
Why is Export Important to Nova Scotia? Employment Added production Economies of scale In 2016, Nova Scotia’s total exports in goods and services were $13 billion (Source: CANSIM Table ).

11 Nova Scotia Agri-food Exports
Country 2016 Export($CDN) United States 196,350,768 Germany 23,189,621 France 16,212,575 Japan 13,170,410 Netherlands 6,487,703 China 4,982,233 Belgium 4,685,794 United Kingdom 4,318,847 Poland 2,885,302 South Korea 2,302,562 Source: CATSNET

12 Nova Scotia Top Agri-food Exports in 2016
Blueberries $95 million Other berries $1.14million Baked Products $30 million Food Preparations includes seasoning, spices and powders Apples $15million Source: CATSNET

13 “Companies do not export because they want to improve Canada’s trade balance; they do so because it is profitable.” Ted Mallett Source: “Small Business traders in Canada”, Ted Mallett

14 Why trade is important to companies
Comparative Advantage: Competing in export markets requires seeking out and being innovative in all aspects of business, which leads to specialization (comparative advantage) This drives productivity allowing firms to pay higher wages and helps to increase the prosperity of a nation Economies of Scale: Experienced exporters are able to increase production volumes and become larger Developing wider and deeper client bases means firms are better able to withstand downturns and softer market conditions in a region, thus becoming more secure and stable employers

15 Characteristics & Attributes of a Successful Exporter
Realistic & positive attitudes towards growth Risk takers Passionate Persevere through the hard times Source: Duggan International Group

16 Regional Business Development Advisors

17 Innovation Rebate Program (IRP)
New Initiative Innovation Rebate Program (IRP) Innovation Rebate Program is a rebate incentive for capital investments in innovative and productivity enhancing projects in the manufacturing and processing sectors. Designed in consultation with industry.

18 Questions?

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