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Strategic Marketing Framework to Draft 6

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Marketing Framework to Draft 6"— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Marketing Framework 2011-2012 to 2015-2016 Draft 6
Canada Science and Technology Museums Corporation Société des musées de sciences et technologies du Canada

2 Strategic Marketing Overview
Corporate Perspective Close look at each institution 5 P’s approach Product, Price, People, Promotion, Place 5 year framework

3 Marketing Mix (General)
Product People Price Promotion Place (distribution)

4 Museum Marketing (Kotler) 5P elements of the Museum Marketing Mix
Target Market People Board Managers Staff Hierarchies Teams Promotion Advertising Public Relations Direct Marketing E-Communications Exhibition Promotions Tour Promotions Price Admission Fees Membership Fees Discounts Allowances Product Product variety exhibitions programs retail Quality Design Features Brand name Place Channels Locations Transport Inventory Internet From Kotler, Museum Marketing & Strategy, 2nd ed. Jossey Bass 2008 p.29

5 Museum Marketing (Kotler) The 5P’s and the 5 C’s
Producer’s View of the Market Product Price Place (Distribution) Promotion People (Staff) Create benefits and value greater than competitors’ offerings Build brand loyalty Consumer’s View of the Market Consumer Value Cost to the Customer Convenience Communication Courtesy (Hospitality) Seek great access and low cost From Kotler, Museum Marketing & Strategy, 2nd ed. Jossey Bass 2008 p. 30

6 Museum Marketing (Kotler) Market Segmentation and Target Marketing
Segmenting Markets Target Marketing 1. Identify bases for market segmentation 2. Develop profiles of resulting segments 3. Develop measures of segment attractiveness 4. Select target markets 5. Develop positioning for each target market 6 Develop marketing mix for each target market From Kotler, Museum Marketing & Strategy, 2nd ed. Jossey Bass 2008 p. 116

7 Portfolio Management Principles
Each Museum is distinctive and differentiated in the marketplace Content specialization Image, positioning and brand Location & access Audiences Some initiatives are useful to one, two or all three museums Look at market potential of the set of three museums, optimizing the opportunities of each, reinforcing differentiation and managing as a set

8 Audience Demographics:

9 Audience Motivation & The Family Effect

10 Audience Loyalty

11 Portfolio Management - Differentiation
CSTM CAgFM CASM Unique Value Proposition CSTM Offers excellent visitor experiences, facilitated by knowledgeable staff that can make the most out of the exhibitions, demos and programs and adapt the visitor learning experience to the unique needs of the visitor CAgFM offers exceptional visitor learning experiences, particularly for families with small children, and serves as the key interpretation focal point for the Central Experimental Farm and for learning about Agriculture and Agri-foods in Canada. Highlighting its extraordinary collection, and leveraging a unique new relationship with the Canadian Space Agency, CASM offers a unique environment for enriching learning experiences, special events, distance learning and rentals for 3rd parties Through its unique national role in the national network of aviation and aerospace museums in Canada, CASM is a content provider to support audiences of this extended network Positioning Science Fun for Everyone Farm Food & Fun Above & Beyond Primary Audience Mixed - General Families with Kids Adults Primary Audience Source Combined local, national & visitors Mainly local (strengthen national & visitors) Mainly visitors & national

Family Focus Adult – Frequent Independent Traveler (FIT) Focus VFR program Ambassadors Tour Operators VIP Program Meeting & Convention Planners Blitz (facilities rental) After 2012 Energy Exhibitions ENGAGING NATIONAL AUDIENCES NSTW Hub Web redesign Energy Literacy Program FoodFacts video clips AviationNet info kiosks

13 Building On-Site Audiences
Family Focus CAgFM and CSTM are favourites with families with children. High repeat visitation / always enjoyable learning experiences Continue to ensure that the products (exhibitions, programs, activities) are designed for children and their caregivers Positioning should emphasize family appeal of the museums Work with media and tourism partners to strengthen the image of the NCR as a family-friendly destination, putting the museums at the forefront Current market share (2010) CSTM % of local family members visit CAgFM % CASM %

14 Building On-Site Audiences
2. Adult Independent Travellers CASM is attractive to adults interested in aviation and space content Montreal market is close-by for same-day visits and getaways and has no competing aviation museum

15 Building On-Site Audiences
VFR Ambassadors’ Program Visiting Friends and Relatives (VFR) is the single largest motivator of travel to the NCR Develop Ambassador Program to provide locals with the info they need to organize activities (at our museums) for their visitors Work with tourism agencies and local media to promote the Ambassador Program

16 Building On-Site Audiences
3. Tour Operators VIP We currently do not work with Tour Operators, yet there is a significant market opportunity for organized tours to our museums Work with the tourism industry and NCC to work with tour operators Seek advice or assistance from other museums or tourism-based organizations that currently work ith tour operators (best practices) Provide group incentives and support services (pricing, advance booking, add-ons) Participate in Provincial or regional marketplaces with prepared offer that meets tour-operator needs Develop segmented packages (school groups, seniors, experiential tourism) and match with unique museum experiences

17 Building On-Site Business
Meeting and Convention Planners Blitz Work with local tourism industry meeting and convention planners to integrate museums into proposals for meeting and incentive travel bids (museums are part of the unique attributes that differentiate this region) Consult and adapt services in order to enhance rentals of meeting spaces Develop initiatives for meeting and convention visitors that come to our venues so they return with their families & friends

18 Building On-Site Audience
Energy Exhibitions




22 Special New Initiatives – National Outreach
CSTM Energy Pan-Canadian CAgFM Food Facts CASM AviationNet NCR S&T Hub

23 CSTM Big Picture Stretch: Be Innovative Sense of Urgency
Pan-Canadian Energy Literacy Initiative & Exhibition will involve & engage national stakeholders & reach national audiences Be Innovative Distance learning, outreach, social media activities will enhance “off-site” reach, educational capacity & engagement National role with ST&E community through S&T Week, Hub, Innovation Agenda Sense of Urgency Build community of support for new museum for 2017

24 Canada Science and Technology Museum Existing Situation
“Old” building Difficult location Slowly declining attendance Stretch to be “national” Developing new national networks & support for new museum

25 CSTM Audience Profile Significant increase in % out-of-town visitors
Significant decrease in % local visitors Increase in actual number of unique visitors due to large increase in first-time visitors

26 CSTM Satisfaction

27 CSTM Attendance & Promotion

28 CSTM Objectives To optimize on-site attendance and revenue with existing building (KRA 1,2,4) To engage audiences in all provinces and territories through innovative programming and partnerships (KRA 1,2) To build a national constituency of support for an new national museum (KRA 2, 4) To strengthen national relevancy to S&T communities, academia, private and not-for-profit sectors and other Gov’t Dep’ts. (KRA 1,2,3,4) To increase access to the collection (more than 2%) (KRA 1,3) To demonstrate more new technology (KRA 1,3,4)

29 Unique attributes VE staff help provide customizable, personal connections with museum offering to satisfy diverse visitor needs (more so than other museums) Excellent children’s programming – high percentage family & VFR audience Large regional audience with previous attachment / dormant loyalty (I remember when…)

30 CSTM Unique Value Proposition
CSTM Offers excellent visitor experiences, facilitated by knowledgeable staff that can make the most out of the exhibitions, demos and programs and adapt the visitor learning experience to the unique needs of the visitor. Note: Of all NCR museums, CSTM is best at this.

31 CSTM Branding Unique challenge
Strong recall & identity among former visitors Distinctive iconic association – Crazy Kitchen Positioning (interim) for visitor experience onsite Science fun for everyone / La science s’amuse Logo & Identity (longer term) Develop new brand and image as part of new museum development Focus on Celebrating Canadian Innovation Build towards 2017 / 150th anniversary

32 CSTM Cause Fostering science & technology literacy Encouraging & supporting science & technology culture in Canada Contributing to ST&E education & scholarship (creating the ST&E workforce of the future)

33 CSTM Key Audiences: Onsite Targets: Families with children Local residents (VFR) Tour operators Visitors from outside NCR Education Special communities Facilities rental market

34 CSTM Key National Audiences:
National Targets: National Science & Engineering Communities Key Technology & Innovation Stakeholders Educators Partner programming and messaging venues Special communities – exhibition-specific Private Sector Other Government Departments

35 Canada Agriculture & Food Museum Existing Situation
Mostly local visitation Very high repeat visitation (45% = 6x) 62% have children under 18, & 64% come to satisfy child’s interest Little visitation from out-of-town visitors Capacity and seasonal operations limitations until new exhibition and programming space opens in 2012

36 CAgFM Audience Profile
Very high % locals & Families Low % of visitors to the Capital region Fewer total visitors due to declining number of new visitors

37 CAgFM Satisfaction

38 CAgFM Attendance & Promotion

39 CAgFM Objectives: Broaden audience base of NCR families (KRA 1,2)
Attract visiting families (coming to NCR) – build new audience in 2011 with CEF 125th Anniversary.(KRA 1,2) To develop new food-related content, programming, exhibitions, and revenue-generation opportunities with new facilities opening in 2012 (KRA 1,2,4) To engage AAFC and industry partners to support new content & programming (KRA 1,2,4) To be a source of knowledge and informative content about Canadian agriculture and agri-foods for national audiences (KRA 1,2)

40 CAgFM Big Picture Stretch: Expand programming focus to include food
Be Innovative Use video-based media to “export” national content on agriculture & food Sense of Urgency Need to fulfill re-branding promise from Agriculture to Agriculture & Food Leverage key opportunity in 2011 for 125th anniversary of CEF Need to extend programming space & go year-round rather than seasonal

41 CAgFM Objectives To broaden audience base among NCR residents and visitors to the Capital Region (KRA 1,2)

42 CAgFM Unique attributes
VE and operations (animals, demos & programming) provide unique & enriching learning experiences Excellent children’s programming – high percentage family & VFR audience Unique point of interpretation for agriculture, agri-foods within the Central Experimental Farm Heritage context (CEF National Historic Site designation and museum occupancy of heritage buildings) provides additional visitor experience potential

43 CAgFM Unique Value Proposition
CAgFM offers exceptional visitor learning experiences, particularly for families with small children; serves as the key interpretation focal point for the Central Experimental Farm and as a source of learning about past, present and future of agriculture and food in Canada

44 CAgFM Branding Challenge Positioning (interim)
Name change from Canada Agriculture Museum to Canada Agriculture and Food Museum will create a promise of “food” content Positioning (interim) Farm, Food & Fun ! / Agro-Amusant ! Logo & Identity (longer term) Develop new brand and image Roll-out for consistency, in step with new facilities & programming

45 CAgFM Cause Fostering science & technology literacy by helping young people discover, experience, learn about & appreciate Canada’s agricultural heritage and where our food comes from

46 CAgFM Key Audiences Onsite Targets: Families with children Local residents (VFR) Tour operators Visitors from outside NCR Education Special communities Facilities rental market

47 CAgFM Key National Audiences:
National Targets: Key Agriculture and Food Industry Stakeholders Private Sector Partners Educators

48 Canada Aviation and Space Museum Existing Situation
Higher percentage of tourists Expanded facilities coming on-stream in February 2011 offer new potential for education, distance learning, 3rd party rentals and cultural programming High potential to incorporate new technology support into visitor experience (hand-held content, video, WiFi) MOU with CSA provides unique leveraging opportunity for “space” programming and content Excellent site extends audience appeal (ex. alternative family site on Canada Day) Food services currently impede total visitor experience High loyalty among aviation community High potential for partnering with industry on programming and content

49 CASM Audience Profile Increase in % out-of-town visitors in 2009
Increase in actual number of unique visitors due to large increase in first-time visitors

50 CASM Satisfaction

51 CASM Attendance & Promotion

52 CASM Objectives: Increase Attendance to 500,000 by 2017 by building on strong tourism potential for CASM, and expanding audience appeal by strengthening Space content (KRA 1,2). Use new auditorium and classroom programming space to facilitate distance learning– 2011 (KRA 1,2) and facilitate rentals for meetings, conferences & cultural activities (KRA 4) Develop strengthen and support national network of Aviation and Aerospace museums (KRA 2) Engage industry partners to enhance & support content & programming (KRA 4 )

53 CASM Big Picture Stretch: Be Innovative Sense of Urgency
Develop national network of Aviation Museums and become a “content supplier” through extension programming and on-site kiosks Be Innovative Use enhanced technology and video-based media enhance visitor experience and collection-related storytelling Partner with key technology leaders to enhance distance learning and distance VE Wiki-based community & content development Enhance virtual programming Develop innovative new programming with CSA about space. Sense of Urgency Need to fulfill re-branding promise from Aviation to Aviation & Space Need to leverage full potential of new facilities

54 CASM Unique attributes
Strong existing tourism appeal Excellent aviation programming New potential for space content through link with CSA Outstanding collection Very good rentals & special events potential for facilities Excellent site & access

55 CASM Unique Value Proposition
Highlighting its extraordinary collection, and leveraging a unique new relationship with the Canadian Space Agency, CASM offers a unique environment for enriching learning experiences, special events, distance learning and rentals for 3rd parties Through its unique national role in the national network of aviation and aerospace museums in Canada, CASM is a content provider to support audiences of this extended network

56 CASM Branding Branding Challenge Positioning (interim)
Rebranding in 2010 suggests promise of strong “space” content but existing offering is still mainly aviation. Positioning (interim) Above and Beyond / Loin en haut Logo & Identity (longer term) Need to fulfill the promise with strong content on “space” Work closely with CSA on on-site & network/outreach programming Need to be consistent to roll out new brand on all materials & wayfinding Use network initiatives (kiosks, content) to reinforce brand

57 CASM Cause Restoration of precious and fragile national heritage
Capture collective national memory – video of oral histories of aviation & space stories that provide meaning & context for artifacts and enrich the visitor and participant experience Provide national showcase for achievements of the past, highlight present innovations and look at opportunities for the future Contribute to ST&E education & scholarship by cultivating the Aviation & Space workforce of the future

58 CASM Key Audiences: Onsite Targets: Local residents (VFR) Tour operators Visitors from outside NCR Education Special communities Facilities rental market

59 CASM Key National Audiences:
National Targets: Network of Aviation Museums Private Sector Partners Educators

60 Canada Science and Technology Museum Corporation
Existing Situation: CSTMC gap between mandate and funding Corporate Approach economies of scale – management services leveraging valuable workforce expertise & talent increasing external teamwork & partnership (number and scope of MOUs) Branding & identity challenge (direct association with CSTM, weak association with CAgFM and CASM) Positioning within Federal Family is increasingly important.



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